Jason Hewlett

Speaker Club

  What’s the deal with someone who is terrified of speaking? Truth is: Speaking may be the very scariest thing for a human to do, according to some research about how difficult speaking is. According to Jerry Seinfeld ~ People prefer dying over speaking at the funeral.     How can you get over your […]

You Missed It: Live2Lead

If you weren’t with us in SLC the past few days then you missed out in a big way. Our Live2Lead event was a HUGE success, and the ultimate launch to The Promise Institute. It was incredible to sit back and watch as our Founders led the way, guiding the VIP Experience with The Leadership […]

Is Ted Lasso A Good Coach?

Ted Lasso just swept up at the Emmys. Good for them, it’s the best, and only, series on any streaming platform I’ve ever watched more than 3 episodes in a row. In fact, last year when I got a new computer and received the AppleTV+ subscription, I watched the first Ted Lasso episode and stated: […]

Everything That’s Wrong In Your Life

Everything that’s wrong in your life is because you broke a Promise to yourself! You may not like that statement, but having now dug deep enough into this language and concept, it stands up with some heavy testing. And don’t think I’m just pointing one finger at you, because three are pointing back at me, […]

Ever Seen A Manager Cry? The ICM Process

  Have you ever seen a Manager cry? Not because you did something wrong… Because the people they lead are giving them compliments, great words to hang their hat on, and clarifying attributes about them they’ve never seen in themselves! This happened the other day when Allen Roberds and I, Co-Founders of The Promise Institute, […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

Mark Eaton Remembered

Woke up this morning to the stunning news that my lifelong friend and hero, NBA All-Star, and world-class Speaker, Mark Eaton, CSP, had suddenly passed away following a bike accident near his Park City, UT home last night. Still not wrapping my mind around this, I went to my texts and thought of just texting […]

The Promise Institute

  What did you dream about becoming when you were a kid? If you were like me (and perhaps you’ve read these facts in my book), the possibilities seemed endless, as it may have involved being an artist for Disney, playing basketball in the NBA, or becoming famous for your music and acting in movies. […]

Watching Yourself

  As I pulled into the gas station in a remote part of southeastern Utah, I was thankful to finally find cell reception. Tethering my phone’s hotspot to my laptop, I hurriedly logged onto the webinar where I watched my pre-recorded presentation for a client in Texas, engaging in realtime on the CHAT feature with […]

The Joy of Walking

  Come on a walk with me.  Let’s talk. There is great JOY in the morning walk, I’ve found, and hope you’ve so discovered as well. As summer comes to a close and a chill greets each morning, it has been a delight to have the morning walk fill this summer pandemic, to feel the […]

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