Jason Hewlett

Ever Seen A Manager Cry? The ICM Process


Have you ever seen a Manager cry?

Not because you did something wrong…

Because the people they lead are giving them compliments, great words to hang their hat on, and clarifying attributes about them they’ve never seen in themselves!

This happened the other day when Allen Roberds and I, Co-Founders of The Promise Institute, were facilitating the Discover Your Signature Moves ICM Process Workshop for a group of car salesmen.



It was fascinating.

Paul, a Manager of a car dealership, had no idea he was about to be invited to stage to be highlighted, share his story, and suddenly thrust into the magical world of being told how great he is.  

There is NOTHING like The ICM Process and it is coming to a Webinar and Workshop near you.

Having tested this now on audiences throughout the world for the past 4 years, it is a monumental experience, and changes the lives of those who take the time to do The ICM Process and Discover Their Unique Signature Moves – leading them to IDENTIFY * CLARIFY * MAGNIFY their PROMISE.

Good stuff.

Want to see the video?

Well, here’s me describing the experience if you want to take a look:



Video below – Here’s Allen & I on stage with masked up Paul, not knowing he’s about to be floored by comments from those in the Audience as he shares his story as the Master Trainer, Allen Roberds, takes him through The ICM Process and CLARIFY Step 2 in particular:



And now – 2 things I need to CLARIFY:

  1. THE PROMISE INSTITUTE is not me and “my employees”.  It is CO-FOUNDED and EQUALLY OWNED by 4 people who have decided to combine our talents, skills, Signature Moves, and keep The Promise to our clients: Bud Heaton, Heidi Totten, Allen Roberds and me.  People have asked me why I don’t own the whole thing and why I would bring on partners in this – Answer: They have gifts, track records, and expertise in areas I will NEVER figure out, they make me better working with them, and we are better together to form The Promise Institute as a TEAM.

    The Promise Institute Team – Bud Heaton * Heidi Totten * Allen Roberds * Jason Hewlett
  2. I am a Keynote Speaker who is SICK & TIRED of doing Keynotes that don’t allow me to follow up and be sure THE PROMISE is being implemented.  I’m happy to get the opportunity to speak at every event, make you laugh, make you think, and inspire for a nice event.  But I am frustrated with any company who is not interested in actual CHANGE of CULTURE following my presentation.  We are engaging in this endeavor to help people become actual LEADERS and PROMISE CULTURE entrepreneurs and employees.  Accountability, momentum, discipline, follow-up, it all matters to me, and I am going to do all I can to Keep The Promise to every audience I speak to that will give The Promise Institute the chance to initiate and engage in changed behaviors, better promises, and improving the bottom line and overall happiness of employees.  So, just so you know, that’s what we’re doing at The Promise Institute.  Are you ready for this change in your company? 


Here’s your Promise Prompt for The Week: 

Consider – Have you Discovered Your Signature Moves?

What are they?  

How are you using them daily to win business, influence those you lead, and make a difference in this world?

If you don’t utilize them every day, you are breaking the Promise to yourself, your team, your family, your customers, and your business.

Why are you still Breaking your Promises?  

Go through The ICM Process and watch your productivity, leadership, culture, and sales go to a Promise level.  Hope you’ll join me and email team@promiseinstitute.com to get started with our upcoming workshops, webinars, and in-person public events.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

~ Jason Hewlett

The Promise Institute Co-Founder

Promise Culture Keynote Speaker

* Speaker Hall of Fame

Author of “The Promise To The One”


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