Jason Hewlett

The Officer and the Car Seat

Tell me you’ve heard this one before: Officer pulls over driver. Driver claims innocence and challenges of life. Officer sees little children in the backseat without car seats. Officer has sympathy as a father himself, takes driver and family to store to buy car seats with his own money, installs them himself, ensuring the safety […]

The Fan Experience

  Sitting down to lunch a few blocks from the venue where I had just finished my stage performance for thousands in attendance, I basked in the glory of another standing ovation moment.    Right as I bit into my sandwich a large group of lanyard wearing attendees from the event where I had just […]

The $36,525.50 Receipt

  As I signed my name on the receipt I said to my wife, “Glad we got here in time before they closed.  We really need this Dramamine for our boat ride tomorrow.” That’s when my wife, ever-present, ever-ready, looked over my shoulder at the receipt. “Wait a minute!  What is this?”  She snatched it […]

You Made This?

  Have you ever been to an art gallery, walked around casually observing the paintings, and then stumbled upon the sight of the artist at the easel, apron and paint brush in hand, in the back of the room working on an actual piece of art? From what was a gallery of nice overlooked trees, […]

5 Summers

  “We have 5 Summers left, Honey”, I said to my little Ella, 13 years old.  “What do you want to do with this one?” She looked at me surprised.  “What do you mean we have 5 left?” she asked. “I mean while you’re a kid, as my little girl in this our little family.  […]

JetBlue Signature Service

  “Welcome aboard!  Are you Mr. Hewlett by chance?”  Surprised to be recognized, I said yes and was promptly handed a few items: A blanket, neck pillow, and this handwritten note.     Seated in my preferred exit row aisle seat for the 5 hour flight home, I was asked if I wanted a snack […]

The Rebel & The Promise

  A little over a week ago I sat at my home office desk and wrote a letter, with tears in my eyes, to my family. It was to be my final thoughts, hopes, and dreams for them. I left it in my desk drawer to be found in case I never returned home from […]

Your 2019 New Years Resolutions (Come March…)

  Who is still hitting the gym by March? Come on my friend, you’ve got this! New Years Resolutions are usually dead and gone come the first week of March. In January there is literally never a spot at the gym parking lot, come March I can drive right into the lobby it’s so empty. […]

Legendary Leadership: Who is The Heart of Your Team?

  The Superbowl was a few weeks ago. Certainly not a nail-biter and with a fairly predictable outcome. What I love most about the spectacle that is this event are the stories which come forth that warm the heart and inspire greater commitment to team, turning co-workers into family members we care for and recognize. […]

Thank You 2018

  As you look back on 2018 may I make a recommendation? Some of us will say, “Yeah baby!  That was awesome!” Others of us will say, “Holy heavens, I can’t believe it’s over.  Bring on a New Year!”  Wherever you stand, know that sometimes the most important thing we can think are simply thoughts […]

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