Jason Hewlett

Who’s Your Jordan Gibby?

  Is there someone on your Team that you rely on and are extra grateful for this week? Let me tell you about one of mine.     Just wrapped up my 5th day of 4 Virtual Events this week (thanks to that old feisty COVID-19 mess we’ve all been dealing with), and I am […]

The Shot

  “How did you do that Daddy?!” yelled my sons after I made yet another shot off of my head from the basketball spinning trickery. “I’m going to film you to show Mommy”, my oldest boy said, picking up my iPhone. So I kept shooting and mugging for the camera. You know, the normal shots: […]

A New Career

“Wait a minute”, she shouted into the Zoom call, “I didn’t even know THAT was possible!?” Elated, she firmed up my appearance for her event on the spot, only 5 minutes into the call, having found the solution they were searching for over a month of planning and having no idea how it would work. […]

Amazon #1 The Promise To The One

  To say I was stunned by the email from my publisher, the day after my new book launched, is an understatement. The day of the launch, I was just happy the Kindle version opened on my phone, as I shared in this quick video!     To be candid, I had just finished writing […]

My Gift to The Graduates of the Class of 2020

  Outside of my office the sound of children laughing, playing, running and being chased fills the air. Young friends reunited, having been quarantined for 2 months of no play dates, it’s as if shackles were shed. It is beautiful and sunny. Restrictions have been cautiously lifted to a new color, not yet entirely free […]

Boys Get Flowers for Mom

  After every child had given Mom their handmade cards, tears shed as she read their sweet words, daughter promising to take Mommy to lunch the coming week, and watching the boys’ homemade movie for her, our two oldest sons said, “That’s not all!”  As they giggled and went out the back door and began […]

May 10, 2020

  Your continued response to what you’d like me to send you during this quarantine life has prompted this week’s post, along with it being Mother’s Day. You want to know what has been requested? “We Want to Hear YOUR Original Songs Singing in YOUR Own Voice!” Hahaha. That is very kind of you to […]

Some Humor & My Virtual Office

  Thank you for your response of what you’d like from me during this quarantine time. The answers were loud and clear: WE WANT HUMOR! WE WANT STORIES! WE WANT TO SEE YOUR VIRTUAL OFFICE SETUP! Allllllrighty then!   In this (just under 6-min) video I hope you enjoy: A Behind-The-Scenes look at My NEW […]

April 26, 2020

  Hello My Friend! It’s been an interested 6 weeks, hasn’t it?   Do be fair, I don’t want to read one more newsletter about anything. I’m sure you don’t either. But, you’ve signed up for this and I want to send you what’s valuable and worth reading. What I sent at the beginning of […]

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