Jason Hewlett

The Misunderstood Legend of Brown M&M’s & Van Halen

Did you ever hear the story of rock band Van Halen trashing a venue because they arrived at the location only to find BROWN M&M’s in the bowl backstage? Do you know why they did that? Most people think it’s because they were a bunch of Rock Stars acting like spoiled brats. In reality, it […]

Ever Seen A Manager Cry? The ICM Process

  Have you ever seen a Manager cry? Not because you did something wrong… Because the people they lead are giving them compliments, great words to hang their hat on, and clarifying attributes about them they’ve never seen in themselves! This happened the other day when Allen Roberds and I, Co-Founders of The Promise Institute, […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

When You Are Under-Utilized

I don’t EVER recall in my career being hired to NOT: Be Funny Sing Do Impressions Do Parodies Share a Message They just wanted me to bring people to stage, introduce their needs clearly, and keep it all on time. That’s it! Have you ever been under-utilized?  This is a first of its kind experience […]

300 Empty Chairs

  One week ago I drove over 200 miles to give my keynote presentation for a first of its kind event in a small city in my home state: The Inaugural Business EXPO put on by the economic development of the city. Entering the ballroom of the beautiful conference center, it was wonderful to see […]

Dealing with The Haters

  Dealing with The Haters. How do you go about it? Pulling back the curtain for a moment here to go inside what’s behind a normal social media post…. Emotionally there’s always an initial sting to upload a video and then the next day see there are 8 views for your effort. 1 Like and […]

Ready To Buy

This past week I pulled up at the FORD Dealership and calmed my nerves. Knowing I was walking in the door in the next minute, I was the equivalent of a wiry wildebeest going for a swim in a lake full of crocodiles.   You know the feeling if you’ve ever been interested in a certain […]

LIVE & 1,000+ In-Person Events Are Back!

This past week I spent multiple days onsite for an event over a year in the planning that refused to go Virtual. They knew they were taking a risk.  But they planned and executed their mission right. It was them Keeping The Promise To The Audience! It was my first flight to an event in […]

The Video Book is Finally Available!

  The Time Has Come – The VIDEO BOOK of “The Promise To The One” IS FINALLY HERE!   Backstory: At the end of February 2020, just before the world turned, the U.S. shut down with the pandemic, and all of my events were canceled as all went into quarantine, I flew across the country to […]

The Las Vegas Strip

  Have you been to The Strip in Las Vegas?   Unless you’re used to walking down the streets of New York City or Tokyo, The Strip in Las Vegas is a serious shock to the system for anyone. Energy.  Volume.  Lights.  People. Some craziness…or, lots of craziness.  I mean, heck, what is The Signature Move […]

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We can’t wait to connect with you.
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