Jason Hewlett

What is Your Promise2Lead?

The Promise Institute Founders ~ Allen Roberds, Bud Heaton, Jason Hewlett and Heidi Totten


Over the past 2 months I have experienced a true life tragedy within an organization I’ve been a part of for 16 years.

A complete loss of trust!

An absolute mismanagement of emotions, rumors, deception tearing people of one heart and mind completely apart!

Mistakes have been made high and low…and yet, even with attempts to correct pain and problem, those in positions of authority have lost the audience.


It is tragic to watch within this community that were once friends, now separated, skeptical, cynical and perhaps never to return!

As a Leader let me ask you: What would you do in this situation?

All that is missing is one thing: 

The Promise To Lead! 

As I pick myself from the wreckage I have begun a reclamation project – going person to person to assess the emotional damage, even though I am not the assigned leader, and am permanently scarred by this experience myself.

If I feel such pain I know others are as well.  



Does this sound familiar?  We must CHANGE SOMETHING, no matter how painful!

Watching what is happening around the world there is so much destruction, hurt, and separation.  All of us are feeling it!

What can we do about a broken promise in leadership?  

We can Promise on thing: Don’t be the one who breaks The Promise!  Keep our end of the bargain, if we drop our portion we quickly pick up the pieces as we move along, and continue striving towards a Promise Level of Leadership!

We must lift where we stand, lead where we find ourselves, no matter our assignment.

Everyone is the Leader of their position. 



“What is your leadership lid?”

           – John C. Maxwell

How do you react as a LEADER (with perhaps very little say in some situations) now that the world is shutting its doors again, mask mandates and information confusing the masses, decisions to be made that can save your life and business?

There’s only one answer to making better decisions, based upon integrity, character, and foundational truths: 

Say what you’ll do and then do whatever it takes to do it!  

Make a Promise and Keep it.  


On October 29, 2021 we are giving you the tools, solutions, and answers you can take back to your teams, places of responsibility, to transform your leadership confusion and challenges.

The Promise Institute presents: LIVE2LEAD



It is an annual event put on by The John Maxwell Team, of which all of the founders of The Promise Institute are Certified Speakers, Coaches and Trainers.

But you have to be with us, in Salt Lake City, UT, as it cannot be seen online, it must be in person.

This is my first In-Person offering in 2 years.  I will be presenting, performing (!), and facilitating powerful discussions alongside our Founders,

Allen Roberds

Heidi Totten

Bud Heaton

…with a room full of Leaders, like YOU, who are eager to find solutions, to improve themselves, and Keep The Promise of Leadership as we near the close of 2021.

Will you Join Us?   Watch this VIDEO from me below:



There are 2 Options for the Event – General Admission or VIP 

It is your engagement experience, you choose your level of commitment to personal growth, progression in your business, affecting your leadership as a partner, spouse and parent, and will change the way you see the world and your place in it – utilizing your unique Signature Moves and all!

Join us!  Come to UTAH and be a part of something extraordinary.

Do this for your Leadership Promise.  It is The Promise To Lead! 



Comment below what we are thinking – best guess wins a motivational book from Allen’s shelf!  


Allen Roberds, Bud Heaton and Jason Hewlett Livestream





~ Jason Hewlett & The Promise Institute 



The Promise Institute Co-Founder

Promise Culture Keynote Speaker

* Speaker Hall of Fame

Author of “The Promise To The One”




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