Jason Hewlett

Happy Father Figure Day

  We must have been 12 years old when our scout troop first went skiing with our new Boy Scout’s scoutmaster Rick.  He seemed cool, had a great manly beard, nice dark full head of hair, a friendly smile, lived in a big house, and wore perfectly fitted clothes to Church. Thinking we were all […]

JetBlue Signature Service

  “Welcome aboard!  Are you Mr. Hewlett by chance?”  Surprised to be recognized, I said yes and was promptly handed a few items: A blanket, neck pillow, and this handwritten note.     Seated in my preferred exit row aisle seat for the 5 hour flight home, I was asked if I wanted a snack […]

Legendary Leadership = Acknowledgement

  “Hi TJ”, I said casually, loud enough for her to hear me over the roar of the shuttle. TJ The Shuttle Driver looked in the overhead mirror, and then as if stunned, craned her head over in my direction, nearly losing control of the shuttle as we turned the final corner in the Salt […]

The Mentor You’re Meant to Be

  This weekend is the NCAA Final Four Tournament, the teams in basketball that have fought to the finish and survived! Today, Sunday, April 7, 2019, one of the world’s greatest mentors will be honored for a lifetime achievement honor. Coach Tony Ingle has been named National Coach of the Year several times throughout multiple […]

Legendary Leadership: Who is The Heart of Your Team?

  The Superbowl was a few weeks ago. Certainly not a nail-biter and with a fairly predictable outcome. What I love most about the spectacle that is this event are the stories which come forth that warm the heart and inspire greater commitment to team, turning co-workers into family members we care for and recognize. […]

The Promise: Raising Legendary Leaders

  The other day a man took my order at a restaurant. When I began to speak his eyes widened and he said, excitedly, “You’re Jason Hewlett!  You came to my school when I was in 3rd grade.  That was the best assembly of my life!”  Looking at his full grown beard, head balding, and […]

The Evolution of Signature Moves

Confession: From 2006-2018 I had no idea I was harming people. The message of “Signature Moves” started out innocently enough as a message to help others recognize their talents, gifts, and skills. What I hadn’t realized was that, as Speaker and Performer, I was a surgeon of the mind and heart for the listener! Standing […]

Martin Luther King Jr: The Promise to Be You

As a kid growing up in Utah, Martin Luther King, Jr. became one of my childhood heroes when I first remember our teacher playing a recording of his “I Have a Dream” speech in class.     What I recall from that speech, as a little boy, was Dr. King’s emphasis on the fact that […]

The Signature Moves of Christmas

  When you think of the word “Christmas” what comes to mind? When I was kid it was way different than it is now. As a kid it was – What am I going to get? How much am I going to get? What is the latest I can go to bed and Santa will […]

The Promise of Self-Preservation

  As the physical therapist strapped weights to my forehead pulling back, and weights to the stem of my neck pulling forward, he looked at me and asked, “How long are you going to keep hurting yourself?”  It had been 6 months of intense fixing: chiropractors, yogis, personal trainers, physical therapists, and anything I could […]

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