Jason Hewlett

The Signature Moves of Christmas

  When you think of the word “Christmas” what comes to mind? When I was kid it was way different than it is now. As a kid it was – What am I going to get? How much am I going to get? What is the latest I can go to bed and Santa will […]

The Promise to The One: YOU

  For past 6 months I have been burning the candle and running on all cylinders. If you follow me on social media you know about my travels, perhaps you’ve seen me one day in Kauai, the next day in Vermont, and the next day in Montana. So grateful for the work and opportunity, yet […]

The Promise That Scares You

  “You have more in you.  You MUST share it. You have no choice and I will not allow you to continue until you do.”     Have you heard this voice before?   It may sound frightening, and to be frank, it is.   But that is the voice in your soul talking.  Are […]

Where It All Began: Kauai, HI

    Raptor loose in Kauai!   I guess you could call me a sentimental guy. Here I am, one hour left before I fly away from beautiful Kauai Island, but I’m here in Lihue, where pretty much a lot of my career creativity began. Back in March of 2000, we came here with my […]

First Class Upgrade

  What Would You Do?    Upgraded from Coach to First Class on my flight to Atlanta and sat in my big comfy seat. Woman seated beside me hands her special pillow to the man passing us, as her husband walks by and sits behind us. In Coach. I asked, “Is that your husband?” She […]

The Amazing Gifts of Family

  As the crowd stood and cheered for my daughter’s dancing, and then my boys’ ventriloquist act, Mommy and I beamed with true joy. To watch our little ones succeed, be amazing, and appreciated by others for their efforts and willingness to share their talents is quite the thrill. Let’s ask ourselves: How do we, […]

Mother’s Day and Mother’s Week

  It seems daily my friends, my age, are posting of the passing of their parents. I’m one of the lucky ones to still have my Mom around. As Mother’s Day is here I ask you how you still celebrate the important person that is your Mother, whether she is still here with us or […]

The Mormon and the Jewish Rabbi

  I hadn’t been done 10 minutes with my performance at the Rabbi’s retirement party in Tampa, Florida, when one of the older Jewish congregation members came up to me and asked in her thick New York accent, “Are you really a Mormon from Utah?”   “Yes, ma’am I am,” I smiled in reply. “Well I’ve […]

Making the Best of Life’s Delays

  If you don’t get stuck in an airport at least occasionally then you don’t travel enough. For years I have seen people go from elated and excited for their trip to becoming rabidly ridiculous due to inconvenience interrupting a vacation. For some the imperfect flight connection can ruin your business life, strain relationships, and […]

The 11 Mile Walk To Work

Imagine if you had no choice but to walk, every day, 11 miles to your job? To make matters worse, your shift begins at 4 A.M., and to add to it, you’re a single dad with a 14-month old daughter at home. You keep The Promise to yourself and family and do what must be […]

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