Jason Hewlett

Mother’s Day and Mother’s Week

Some of the Most Important Women in My Life: Tami (wife), Marsha (mother), Ella (daughter), Heather (sister)


It seems daily my friends, my age, are posting of the passing of their parents.

I’m one of the lucky ones to still have my Mom around.

As Mother’s Day is here I ask you how you still celebrate the important person that is your Mother, whether she is still here with us or has passed on.

The African Proverb that says: “When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.”

If we change this around a bit, it could also say: “When a mother dies, the village falls to the ground.”

In human history there is no one as important as Mother.

Mother Theresa cared for those no one else would and became the mother of a movement of compassion; the image of Jackie Kennedy covered in blood, stoically supporting the swearing in of Vice President Johnson on Air Force One following JFK’s assassination still stands as a motherly strength for our Nation today; even Jesus, hanging from the cross before His ultimate sacrifice, makes sure His Mother, Mary, is cared for by Apostle John.

Your Mother carries with her stories that are those of legend.

Equally the question begs – How do you either carry on what she taught you, or how have you taken it to a new level? 

On Mother’s Day we celebrate the Moms in our lives.  If you’re my age, you have a Wife/Partner at home probably with little children; a Mother who now is Grandma to your children; A Mother-in-Law; Grandmas still living (if you’re lucky); Sisters, Cousins, Friends; Daughters who will be the Mom someday; Bonus Mothers if your family has experienced separation and then a reprisal of connection.

And then there are those we work with, whom we may consider as motherly figures in our lives, business, schools teaching our children, communities.  The list goes on and on.

So many to celebrate….how to keep up?

Men, there is no way.  We can’t do enough to show our gratitude.  Seriously.  But we can try.  

We can support the women in our lives if we embrace The Promise. 

The Promise to bring home flowers whether a holiday or not.

The Promise to send a note of encouragement and appreciation.

The Promise to support the business efforts and service so many Mothers give outside the home.

This past week I had the opportunity, the HONOR, to speak to The Police Wives of Utah.  As important as our Armed Forces and those in Blue are to our safety as a nation, no one is more important than the wives supporting them at home.  They fight for our freedom because of the strength of those they call family.  We must pay homage to these great women.

How do we show honor and gratitude?  Do something.

One of my favorite practices with my Mom is to call her when I drive.  Just knowing we have the chance to catch up, to hear her stories, to laugh together, keeps us connected.

For my Wife, it is breakfast in bed on Sunday, but more importantly it’s doing the dishes nightly so she can go lay down a little earlier, or taking our youngest son for the morning so she can get a pedicure.  These things matter and mean so much.

With the mothers in our communities, such as our children’s school teachers, we send notes of love and admiration.

What are your ways of celebrating Mother at this time?

And why just Mother’s Day?  How about Mother’s Week!

I hope you’ll join me as we strive to give a little more to the Mothers in our lives.

You may be surprised to know I love to try to write music.  Here’s a song I wrote about my Mom for this Mother’s Day, and could be for any Mom out there from her son.  (Lyrics below)



“I Miss Them With You” – written & performed by jason hewlett


I remember days gone by

We would just talk for hours

You’d be awake no matter the hour

How I loved talking with you


And I don’t know if you remember those days

But I miss them with you

And if a boy could have chosen his Mom

I know I’d choose you


Now I’m old and have kids too

When things are tough I think what you’d do

Now when I drive I love to call you

How I love listening to you


And I don’t know if I’m just counting the days

But I miss them with you

And if a boy could have chosen a Mom 

I know I’d choose you 


Mom I’ll always choose you



~ jason

Jason Hewlett, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, Keynote Speaker for the largest corporate events in the world. His primary message, The Promise, is essential for Leadership, Management, Sales, Marketing, Direct-Sales Companies, and is a combination of engagement and entertainment meets inspiration.  Jason has even received standing ovations from IT guys.  He has been acknowledged as life-changing by Conference Attendees, C-Level Executives and Hollywood Elite.  jasonhewlett.com

Please click here to learn about how Jason Hewlett, Speaker Hall of Fame, introduces the opportunity for you, or someone you love, to have the gift of learning how to create a Career From the Stage and begin moving toward fulfilling a lifelong dream as a full-time speaker, performer, or entertainer.


16 Responses

  1. Great song, my friend! And great message! Thanks for your incredible content every week. You inspire me.

    1. Oh wow Abby! Thank you for this kind response. You inspire me more thank you realize! Happy Mother’s Day/Week!

  2. That was such a great post Jason! Such a great message! You are such a great husband and father. It’s so great what you do for your wife and daughter.. such a great example of what a husband should be like! Love you Jason. This is a fabulous song. I love it!

    1. Thank you so much Heather. Honored to be your brother and amazed by the family you’ve raised. You are a wonderful wife and I appreciate you always supporting my efforts.

  3. Jason, you’re a class act! Thanks for sharing your song on this special day. I lost my hero when I was 26 and she was only 50. Yes, I, too, would always choose her….

    1. Scott, I’m sorry to hear that your Mom has passed. Certainly you carry on her legacy. Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Jason,

    You are so inspiring. I wish that you could speak to the world and they could hear your messages. Thanks for the Mother’s Day song and message, It made me cry and go back a little bit with my own mom. It also made me think of what I have done as a Mother for my children. Have I been the mother they deserved and have I inspired them to do and be anything they want. And lastly, do I always love them unconditionally! Thank you so much for your messages and your ray of Light in a sometimes dimming World!!

    1. Betty Jo! You ARE an inspiration to your family and all who know you. Think solely of the work you’ve done as “mother” of the Delta area with bringing joy to those attending family events for so many years! I know your kids adore you. You are so sweet and hope you’ll give everyone my best.

  5. ❤️❤️❤️ THANKYOU for all of this love & recognition & for even wanting to call your old mom to share your awesome adventures in life with me. I’m glad you choose me….and, I chose you, my first born! You are indeed a “ray of light” & inspiring! And, I love you!😉❤️❤️

    1. Hello Muther 🙂 Thank you for this nice comment and for being a wonderful Mother and Grandma to our little ones. We love you and hope you know that.

  6. Hello Jason, I’m sure you do not remember me but we first met your family when you lived in Oklahoma.

    Your comments about your mother are so sweet and special…. just as she is.

    I know she is extremely proud of you and the wonderful man you have become. Thank you for sharing your song and your message on “mothers “! You are a great example to others. Thank you!😊

    1. Hi Vicky! Wonderful hearing from you, and thank you for the kind words of my wonderful Mother. I do know your name, she mentions you when OK comes up, and I thank you for being her good friend during that year we were there when I was 4 or 5 yrs. old. God’s blessings be with you!

  7. Jason, just wow!! What a beautiful tribute to your mother. Such a beautiful song. Thank you for sharing your gifts and your love with the world. You shining your light gives everyone around you permission to shine theirs.

    The way you honor the women in your family is truly an example for all
    men. Thank you. This world needs more men like you. Thank you for living and being The Promise.

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