Jason Hewlett

The Difference a Shirt Makes

  For Fathers Day this year my wife bought me a new shirt. I insisted that I didn’t need a new shirt, and wore my old shirt. Tami said, “Honey, you’ve worked very hard for the last year to lose weight, and it’s time for a new shirt to fit your body properly.”  I said, […]

The Audience Hates Me

  Here I am. Performing my guts out. Doing all I can to get a laugh, spark an emotion, beg a reaction. Nothin’. The audience hates me.  I can tell. You know when you’ve got ’em. And wow, how you know when you don’t! These people hate me.  But I’m going to keep giving, trying, […]

The Best Fathers Day Presents

  Christmas Day was nearly 6 months ago (this next week), and it has been that long since I have enjoyed the gifts that keep on giving in our home. That cold wintry morning, as presents were strewn about the house, wrapping paper piled high, the kids were thrilled with what we had given them, […]

Stepping Down When It’s Best For The Team – The Promise of José Abreu

  This week, former MVP baseball player, José Abreu, was sent down to the minor leagues. It may not seem like significant news to a casual observer, as baseball players go minors to majors and back to minors often. Here are articles with ESPN and Yahoo Sports. For a former 3-time All-Star and MVP, who […]

I Am Who I Am That is That

  This past week I was reintroduced to this most powerful and uplifting song: “I Am Who I Am That is That”. It came on the heels of receiving another round of very hurtful comments, messages, and other difficult things people send me due to my writings, opinions on social media, and leadership roles across […]

Your Daily Routine

  For years I have worked to create a daily routine that starts off my day in the ideal ways of Promise-level living. You may already have yours down pat, for which I would like to know what you do, if you’re willing to comment below some of the secrets of your success. The more […]

Crazy Week

It is after midnight on Sunday, March 3, as this blog is due to go out at 5 AM. I usually don’t wait until the very last minute to write the blog, but this is my first opening this week to work on it. The Promise is to make sure to share something with you […]

Your Favorite President

Who is your Favorite President of the United States? And why? I grew up in the eras of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and have raised children during eras of Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s amazing to think there have been so few presidents in my lifetime, only 8 of them, as I’m a few […]

Do The Right Thing

  The young player committed his 5th foul, with applause from the opposing team, as the kid who kept hitting everyone would finally be fouled out of the game. Looking over at the opposite bench, it was obvious there would be a discrepancy as the final few minutes of the game was played. The other […]

The Cheerleader

This past week I received phone calls and texts from the following: A former American Idol semi-Finalist An NCAA Basketball Champion and local Utah Jazz legend A viral Instagram & TikTok Star/Comedian The Founder & Owner of a multi-million dollar health company Each of these amazing people, the top of their field, reached out with […]

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