Jason Hewlett

This past week I received phone calls and texts from the following:

  • A former American Idol semi-Finalist
  • An NCAA Basketball Champion and local Utah Jazz legend
  • A viral Instagram & TikTok Star/Comedian
  • The Founder & Owner of a multi-million dollar health company

Each of these amazing people, the top of their field, reached out with one question:

How do I become a Speaker? 

I told each of them they had the wrong number.


I am honored they’d reach out.

Despite the success in their field, they need some guidance from someone who is doing what they want to do in the speaking world, and they knew to call me.

I am thrilled they would think of me, as years ago, they only would have called me to perform for their sister’s backyard birthday party and ask me to do so for free…

Now instead they realize they have a friend in the speaking business.

When I began my career as an entertainer I reached out to many celebrities who never contacted me back. Very few gave me the time of day. I did my best to not take it personal and instead have written extensively about those who did lend a helping hand in my book, “The Promise To The One”, and the impact they had on my life.

As a Speaker, the same thing occurred.

Reaching out to The Greats led to little results, and it wasn’t until I found a few mentors who were kind enough to tell me what they had done and how tough the road was, that I could get started as Speaker.

I had more people tell me that becoming a Speaker wasn’t for me, and to stay in my lane, keep entertaining, and I should just stick to what I was known for and good at.

That hurt, but didn’t stop the effort.

I had great dreams.

And those dreams have come true.

For the past decade countless people have asked me how to become a Speaker, and I decided to do the opposite of what I experienced, and I became: The Cheerleader.

2-4-6-8, who do we appreciate? YOU! (jazz hands)

I know what it takes, know how hard it is, and can cut the curve for many people with such aspirations, as well as guide someone I believe in to reach their goals and dreams, while sharing the many pitfalls I wish I’d known.

The advice I gave was simple:

  • Tell everyone everywhere what you want to become – say, “I’m a Speaker and I’m ready to speak at your event”
  • Put a Speech together, even a 15 minute TEDTalk-style message, that can get you booked
  • Add a new tab to your web site that says you Speak
  • Write a BOOK! The quicker you do, proving you have something significant to say, the sooner others will take you serious
  • Join the NSA – not that one (although they are listening) – the National Speakers Association, and attend chapter meetings in your area to rub shoulders with others working to make this career of speaking a reality

I could have easily said instead:

  • Don’t bother, just keep singing and recording music, because that’s what you’re best at
  • You’re a basketball legend, keep dribbling
  • If you can make money on social media (unlike me) then why do you want to do anything else?
  • Teach someone else how to run your company so you can retire and move to Fiji

However – I ain’t no DreamCrusher! They have aspiration to speak, and so I cheerlead.

It’s my Promise to be The Cheerleader, and that makes me excited to pick up the phone and breathe life into their dreams.

Q: How do you encourage, cheer, and uplift, instead of discourage, shun, and pull down? 

Whether it’s one of your children coming to you with a dream that seems unreasonable in your opinion, a friend from your past looking to get your advice and support as they forge a new trail, or an employee who confesses your company is not the final stop in their path, what is Your Leadership Promise to be The Cheerleader?


Enjoy SUBSCRIBING to my NEW YouTube Channel when you’re ready to improve upon Your Leadership Promise!

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”


Please Welcome our New Partner!

Thank you to Cardio Miracle for being the sponsor of The Weekly Promise Blog.

If you’re unfamiliar with this amazing product, please check out their web site. Maybe you have any family or friends with heart disease, diabetes, lacking in energy, suffering from brain fog, and other health challenges, please tell them about Cardio Miracle.

It has helped me greatly for years, especially as I travel the world among the sick and weary, I need to be ready to jump on any stage and perform at the highest level. In order to keep that Promise,

I utilize Cardio Miracle daily to keep my voice, health, and ability at it’s highest level.

Go to CardioMiracle.com to take your health back.



10 Responses

  1. It’s who you are . I think many people have appreciated this over the years.
    Everyone has both a message and story within them.
    Continue to do the good work yiu are dong in the world!

  2. Thank you Jason for being a cheerleader to me, starting 14 years ago. You have always been an example of what to be in this profession.

    1. Leta, you continue to honor me way more than I deserve. I’m so amazed by all you’ve done with your career and blessing so many lives.

  3. I’m not a speaker, nor do I aspire to be one. However, I benefit every week from the thoughts you share along with your stories that teach. I’m always learning from you. I enjoy being a cheerleader for you, when I share your name for my friends to follow, and cheerleading my 8 children and my 20 grandchildren. Here’s to cheerleading people to spread the good within us all.

    1. These are wonderful thoughts Bobbye, I appreciate what you’ve shared here. Being the cheerleader for those closest to us is a great blessing and I wish you continued success with it.

  4. There is no better cheerleader for any Speaker than you, Jason!!! I even have photos of you with your purple pom-poms to prove it! Thank you for sharing your love, and your light and your wisdom, and your gifts so freely with so many!

    1. You’re too much and too awesome, my friend. I was thinking of you with the Pom Poms, as those are the first of that kind I’ve owned LOL. You’re amazing.

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