Jason Hewlett


For years I have worked to create a daily routine that starts off my day in the ideal ways of Promise-level living.

You may already have yours down pat, for which I would like to know what you do, if you’re willing to comment below some of the secrets of your success.

The more I think of it, my daily routines have come from the input of the most successful people I have listened to and heeded their advice.

In this video, I share 2 of the best books you must read to create a better life for yourself. Maybe you’ve already read them?

I also reveal a few of the profound and simple secrets to the daily routines I have, which have helped me:

lose weight/fat,

perform at a very high level regardless of travel challenges,

my promise to my sons we enjoy doing together,

the supplements I take which help me stay healthy (see: Cardio Miracle, our blog sponsor and my secret weapon – utilize coupon code HEW2024 for a great discount),

as well as my frank opinion on the laziness of wearing hats,

and the single most important aspect of a successful daily routine and life itself – revealed in the first part of the video.



I hope you enjoy this video, get many good ideas out of it for yourself, and please help me by liking and commenting on it.

As we grow this NEW YouTube channel it helps more people discover The Promise message, as well as how the first promise of the day is broken when we hit that pesky snooze button.

Want more confidence? 

Want a greater feeling of accomplishment by day’s end? 

Watch this video and consider your daily routine. 

Thank you for your continued support, as well as for sharing your consistent routines that have brought you the greatest confidence in yourself as you live Your Leadership Promise.



Enjoy SUBSCRIBING to my NEW YouTube Channel when you’re ready to improve upon Your Leadership Promise!

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”
  • President of Cardio Miracle.  Go to CardioMiracle.com to take your health back!


2 Responses

  1. My routine is to go to bed early so I get a good 7 hours minimum of sleep a night. I shower the night before so when I get up I can immediately get ready for my day. I have to comment that I disagree that a hat is a sign of laziness – a hat is an element of my signature. It\’s the same for many of the people I know including my husband (we live and work in a farming community). My morning routine after I\’m dressed includes breakfast and sitting down and either reading a few pages of a book, doing a word search or two, watching the morning news or just sitting and allowing my mind to warm up for the day – what am I grateful for, what am I planning to accomplish, etc. When it\’s time to go to work, my hat goes on and I go on stage (work) to fulfill the promises I\’ve made to my family, the people I work with, the company I work for and anyone else who I encounter.

    1. Great to hear from you Theresa, and thank you for sharing your routine. I’ve gotten some pretty candid feedback about the hat, which I understand completely since I was only thinking about men who throw on a baseball cap instead of caring for their hair in the morning…certainly a generalization, and I forgot all of my pals in the country who wear the cowboy hats, and women who use it as an element of their dress. I know very few women who are lazy in their hat wear or dress in general. So, yes, that was certainly meant for the guy who never bothers to dress nice in the morning. Thank you for your comment, I don’t think we’ve heard from you before, so I’m glad you could join us here, and my best to you with your dressy hats.

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