Jason Hewlett

A New Career

“Wait a minute”, she shouted into the Zoom call, “I didn’t even know THAT was possible!?” Elated, she firmed up my appearance for her event on the spot, only 5 minutes into the call, having found the solution they were searching for over a month of planning and having no idea how it would work. […]

Laughter at 2 A.M.

I am awakened by a sound that is not normal for this time of night. Laughter at 2 A.M. Is it outside my window?  Is someone breaking into my car or house?  Maybe toilet-papering the trees?  No, that’s not a thing anymore, that stuff is too valuable to waste. Jumping from my bed I briskly […]

The Importance of Showing Up

Have you ever had one of those nights where you absolutely could not miss your alarm going off? Whether it be a flight, a very important meeting, or something you promised your child you’d do with them, there is something so profound about how serious we take these commitments. Yesterday, I needed to be somewhere […]

The Books We Read

  This past week I read 3 books: “Love Boldly”, by Becky Mackintosh about embracing your LGBTQ loved ones and your faith – the story of her son, Sean, coming out after 24 years of hiding his truth; eBook version – “A Mind for Sales”, by Mark Hunter, helping with the mental aspect of how […]

The Promise To Do What You Want To Do

  June 1, 2020. For 3 months the world has been shut down. I’d say today is a calendar restart, quite possibly a new beginning. The earth is re-opening, and there is a shift in the feeling out there. Yes, it is time to do what you want to do.   Not just HAVE to do […]

What Does A Virtual Presentation Look Like?

  “How on earth can your performance of music, comedy, and The Promise still work on a camera or ZOOM call vs. LIVE in-person?” This is the huge question every person continues to ask me. Truth is: It works in many different ways and it’s very special!   Over the past 8 weeks the only presentations […]

The Power of Instead

  “What can we do instead?”  This seems to be the theme of life over the past few months. I feel a great deal of power in being able to pose this question, with family, friends, clients. Such as, “Ok, family, we can’t go outside and play with friends…what can we do instead?”  (Answer: Let’s […]

Amazon #1 The Promise To The One

  To say I was stunned by the email from my publisher, the day after my new book launched, is an understatement. The day of the launch, I was just happy the Kindle version opened on my phone, as I shared in this quick video!     To be candid, I had just finished writing […]

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