Jason Hewlett

Your Favorite President

Who is your Favorite President of the United States? And why? I grew up in the eras of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and have raised children during eras of Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s amazing to think there have been so few presidents in my lifetime, only 8 of them, as I’m a few […]

Does Your Company Got Talent?

As the two co-workers took the stage, ready to sing a karaoke version of what Billboard has called the greatest song duet of all time, the epic ballad “Endless Love” by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, I sat off to the side squinting and squirming anticipating the train wreck we were about to witness. Having […]

2 GOATS This Week

The title of G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All-Time) is being overused at this point in all media, but if you ask most football fans, the 2 GOAT Coaches of College and NFL made headline news this week, within 24 hours of each other. Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots, winner of 6 Superbowls in the […]

72 Hours of Greatness: The Legend of Redford Hewlett

  For the past month we have hardly seen our 16-year old son, Redford. He is a straight-A student, leads our church congregation in music every Sunday, and seems to be asked to a girl’s choice dance at a different school every other evening. And yet he has gone missing for almost the entirety of […]

The Carbon Promise

  Imagine showing up at a high school to speak to the faculty and realize THEY’RE ALREADY TEACHING THE PROMISE!!! This happened to me recently, when I drove to Central Utah, to a city named Price, and visited Carbon High School. Principal Jarad Hardy had reached out to say he had seen my video about […]

The Broken Winch

For nearly a decade, we have relied on a steel cable winch to lift our swim spa cover up and off to the side, since it’s too heavy to for one or even two humans to lift in the space between our home and the neighbor’s fence. Over the past few years, it has slowly […]

The Dad Health Promise – The Legend of Scott Law

  On this blog, as you know, I am in constant search of ways to inspire you, and me, while watching others who are valiantly keeping, or sadly breaking, The Promise. I know I am the example most of the time of how I break The Promise and vow to do better. But today’s post […]

No Tipping Allowed

In my home state, there is a new bagel shop in town that does NOT allow customers to leave a tip. The owner of Cheryl’s Bagels, Cheryl Mignone, says she was tired of having to tip someone for doing next to nothing and shaming them into tipping once the iPad was turned towards them. Here’s […]

The Piano Guys: A Teacher and Student Promise

  A few weeks ago I reached out to my friends, The Piano Guys, Steven and Jon, to let them know about the passing of my Grandma Julie. We had made the connection years ago that she had been their music teacher at Highland High School in Salt Lake City, UT. That was a crazy […]

To Be A Fan – Ode to Ben Folds

(I have something incredibly cool to announce, that I can barely keep a secret anymore, but must wait a little bit longer…so please watch for a SPECIAL email coming your way in the next few days.)  On to the Article! ~ My inbox just pinged me with a notification that one of my favorite artists […]

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