Jason Hewlett

The Unavailable Barbell

Whether you can tell by looking at me or not, I workout every single day (except Sundays). If you accidentally touch my arm then you’ll know it’s true. Otherwise, just seeing me on stage, you’d never know that I live for the gym and to exercise. I LOVE IT. There’s a very simple move I’ve […]

My Genius Grandma – Julie Hayes Hewlett 1941-2023

It’s hard to write with tears in your eyes… Julie Hewlett was the grandparent I had the longest, and even losing her the week I turned 45, is hard to comprehend she is gone. 46 years ago she married my Grandpa Lester Hewlett, in his mid 50’s, after his children and family had already been […]

The Soloist

  Pressing play rarely brings tears immediately, but this one did. My 2nd cousin, Hilary, had found a box of tapes, recordings from somewhere in the 1940’s or 50’s, converted now to digital, and sent them to me to share with our entire extended family. It was as if I was handed a gift directly […]

The End of the Bench

Over the last few months I have been to many basketball games where you begin to notice patterns, plays, and rotations in who plays and who doesn’t. I have noticed on one team a boy who has only been in once, maybe two times, the entire season. He is not my child, but as a […]

Cleaning Before Cleaning

I’ve always found it bizarre that I need to clean the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.   I mean, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a dishwasher? To do the job of that which should do the job! I’ve been told that our dishwasher can actually handle whatever we stick in there. I […]

Ice on the Windshield

Snow and ice are everywhere. It’s incredible and wonderful and terrifying to drive in. Not because of my driving, but everyone else! Crazy and insane people! Yesterday I saw a teenager driving down the street with a windshield covered over in ice. The whole thing! Her driver’s side window was down so she drive! Not […]


  I hired a photographer to update my head shots. There’s an old joke about not updating your head shots enough. It’s the one where the event planner hires the speaker, prints his head shot, and goes to the airport to pick him up for the event. Waiting there, she is looking at the head […]

22nd Valentine’s Day

  “What is the secret to being happily married for 22 years?” This is a question I have been asked recently, and as we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, here’s one suggestion I feel can help you keep The Promise to the one you love. If you know your spouse has a Favorite Thing, then […]

$100 Tip

In my wallet I always carry a $100 bill. If my posting this leads to me being mugged, so be it! Come and get your Benjamin, you cranky little thief. I have it there as a “just in case” for when a credit card has some issue, the power is out at a store and […]


Vanilla is plain. It is perfectly unoffensive, pristine, nearly flavorless, and the exact extract I wanted to be known for from the beginning of my career. Growing up in an extremely religious state, espousing the same beliefs as the majority, it became apparent quickly that my path to success among my people would be to […]

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