Jason Hewlett

Does Your Company Got Talent?

Western States Got Talent!

As the two co-workers took the stage, ready to sing a karaoke version of what Billboard has called the greatest song duet of all time, the epic ballad “Endless Love” by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, I sat off to the side squinting and squirming anticipating the train wreck we were about to witness. Having never seen anyone at any TV competition, professional performance, let alone company party, pull off this most gorgeous number, I expected the worst.

I should have known better.

The next thing we know, the entire crowd stood in awe, not just applauding, but waving our phone lights in unison, cheering and shouting with glee, at one of the best numbers I’ve ever seen performed not just by amateurs, but by anyone.

For the next 90 minutes this continued, from a saxophone solo wailing “Careless Whisper”, to Hula Dancing tributes, a roping champion cowboy, an operatic Hawaiian with a perfect man ponytail, a Backstreet Boys tribute, others Taking Care of Business, to a piano solo by a chef, the night went on and on with talents unknown, peers shrieking at the surprising gifts of their friends and leaders, led off by the CEO doing a standup routine of Dad Jokes that kicked the night off perfectly.

As an Emcee I had the easiest job in the world: I just had to get up after each performer and celebrate what we’d just witnessed, as the night continued to get better and better.

The next day I had the chance to close out the conference, which was named “Our Promise To You”, with a customized version of my keynote entitled “Your Leadership Promise”, drawing upon the company’s mission, culture and values, and utilizing stories from this blog that have never made it into the stage presentation. It was a home run event for the company and one of my favorite gigs of my life, and it’s because they gave me so much direction and confidence to create a unique presentation.



Yet it is the Talent Show that will stick in my mind.

It was called Western States Got Talent! And boy do they ever.

Every company has people that have talents, and so often those talents are hidden far too long due to the job getting in the way.


Heidi Crosgrove, show producer, singer, show stopper, of Western States Got Talent!


It doesn’t take a talent show to discover these hidden gems, although it helps to some extent in seeing someone with new eyes that we thought was just good at accounting and suddenly we realize they’re a masterful LEGO builder, tango dancer, or can play a kazoo with their nostrils.

Uncovering talent is the job, and gift, of the Legendary Leader.


“Your Leadership Promise is to Identify, Clarify, and Magnify the talents and Signature Moves of the people you lead!”

– Jason Hewlett 


Every worker comes in with talents, ideas, and quickly sees places where systems can be fixed. They identify challenges immediately as fresh eyes come to the table. Yet too often, they are placed into the process and told to just do what is needed, squashing creativity, solutions, and eventually, the voice of the uniquely gifted.

When we allow those we lead to IDENTIFY the way their gifts can shine, and then we CLARIFY even more talents we see in them, the next step is perhaps the most crucial: MAGNIFY.

The magnify portion of The ICM Process requires listening first, for both leader and he who is led, in order for change to take place and the Promise to come forth.

Your Leadership Promise at work, at home, in life, will be transformed when you commit to Identify, Clarify, Magnify with the true intention of giving courage, permission, and acknowledgment to the one you lead, in order for them to keep their Promise.

Give them the mic, let them shine, there is nothing better as a Leader than this handoff and encouragement.

I sat back in amazement as worker after worker voluntarily took the stage, wowed their friends, became Legends in Concert for their performance, and earned a spot at the table of Leadership by bravely coming forth.

The secret is to give others a chance to shine. Sing the duet. Go for it. “Our harmony is our integrity” (quote from “The Promise To The One”).

That’s Your Leadership Promise.



Enjoy SUBSCRIBING to my NEW YouTube Channel when you’re ready to improve upon Your Leadership Promise!

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”



2024 brings a New Year and a New Partner!

Thank you to Cardio Miracle for being the first sponsor of The Weekly Promise Blog.

If you’re unfamiliar with this amazing product, please check out their web site. Maybe you have any family or friends with heart disease, diabetes, lacking in energy, suffering from brain fog, and other health challenges, please tell them about Cardio Miracle.

It has helped me greatly for years, especially as I travel the world among the sick and weary, I need to be ready to jump on any stage and perform at the highest level. In order to keep that Promise, I utilize Cardio Miracle daily to keep my voice, health, and ability at it’s highest level.

8 Responses

  1. Your presence at our conference was truly inspiring. Thank you for your incredible contribution and motivation. I firmly believe we can achieve anything with the right mindset. “The light you shine is the light you receive.” I will always remember that.

    1. I love that you remembered and resonated with that quote from my Mom, Malina. Thank you for being there and for your kind words. My best to you!

  2. That’s our daughter, Heidi Crosgrove! Producer and Performer, we could not be more proud – Wow 😮
    Thank you, Jason for the rave review.

    1. Your daughter is incredible and I question why she’s not making a living as a singer and performer. She must be SO GREAT at WSLM in what she does that she is better at that than singing?!? She put on an amazing event, and it was great to work with her. Happy to know her parents now.

  3. Wow. Thanks so much for the post. It was such a fun night, made better by your talents and comedic genius. The talent show, combined with your keynote the following day, was the perfect way to end our conference and an experience to remember for a lifetime. Thank you so much for being there.

    1. Dan! You’re the man. What a great performer and well done. Thank you for these kind words, it was a joy to be in your presence and that of your amazing peers.

  4. Jason, you are too kind! Thanks for all the compliments and support. It was so much fun to work with you and to see you perform as well.

    1. There she is! The amazing singing Heidi. You did incredible and what a joy to get to know you better. Let me know when you’re ready to find an agent to go to Hollywood my friend 🙂

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