Jason Hewlett

The $36,525.50 Receipt

  As I signed my name on the receipt I said to my wife, “Glad we got here in time before they closed.  We really need this Dramamine for our boat ride tomorrow.” That’s when my wife, ever-present, ever-ready, looked over my shoulder at the receipt. “Wait a minute!  What is this?”  She snatched it […]

The JHE CX Promise: Non-Negotiables in Business

  Have you ever spoken or performed in front of an audience of 1,000 people before? It’s quite the rush, and can be an amazing, or even terrifying experience. I remember my first few shows at the beginning of my career working with the traveling show, the Las Vegas “Legends in Concert”. Stepping out onto […]

Sophia The Robot

  “We are very excited to have you speak to our delegates in Sydney, Australia, to our 8,000 attendees, most of which will be translated realtime into over 20 languages from all over the world…but there is one challenge we face that we will need you to send us scripting for… You’ll be sharing the […]

Andrew Luck: Promise to The One

29-year old Pro-Bowler Andrew Luck, star quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, held a press conference this past week to announce his announcement from the NFL. 29-year old stars don’t usually retire just because. His body has been through every kind of challenge: Concussions; Torn Shoulder; Lacerated Kidney; Muscle Pulls in Abdomen; Calf Tear and Lower […]

The Promise to Start Again

I’ve been hounded by a weight problem for the past 20 years. Hounded may be an understatement. Try: All-Consumed. I start diets, then suffer and sweat my way through an intolerable pain until I finally see some results and then – BAM! – the weight comes right back when I have a relapse and completely […]

The Epic Adventure Promise

    “Dad, I don’t know how to do this!  I don’t want to die!” yelled my son as he dropped over the cliff. Yes, this was my son’s first time on a rappelling rope, about to go on an 80-foot cliffhanger. As I coached him down I prayed he’d hang on with that brake […]

Commit to The Bit (The Promise to Be Kind): Part 2

  “Wow, that beard makes you look terrible!  What’s going on, have you also purchased a Corvette to go with your mid-life crisis?”, my friend asked me the other day in the hallway of the speaking conference. This evoked immediate thoughts of my first day of school, when a stranger came up in the hallway, […]

Commit to The Bit (The Promise of The Beard): Part 1

    After the cold opening with a Billy Joel “Piano Man” parody set to “CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame”, introducing the night we recognize the latest inductees of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame, the audience gasped as they realized my beard was taking over the event. As Host and Emcee of this […]

The Promise: Pioneer TREK

  “Your calling is to walk 32 miles over 4 days acting as Ma & Pa to 9 kids you’ve never met, everyone dressed in vintage 1840’s clothing you’ll make yourself, while pulling a handcart weighing between 800-1,000 lbs, to re-enact the Pioneers crossing the upper plains of Wyoming arriving into Utah.” I don’t know […]

Happy Father Figure Day

  We must have been 12 years old when our scout troop first went skiing with our new Boy Scout’s scoutmaster Rick.  He seemed cool, had a great manly beard, nice dark full head of hair, a friendly smile, lived in a big house, and wore perfectly fitted clothes to Church. Thinking we were all […]

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