Jason Hewlett

The JHE CX Promise: Non-Negotiables in Business


Have you ever spoken or performed in front of an audience of 1,000 people before?

It’s quite the rush, and can be an amazing, or even terrifying experience.

I remember my first few shows at the beginning of my career working with the traveling show, the Las Vegas “Legends in Concert”.

Stepping out onto that stage, the electricity of an audience excited to see us, energy from the band, full costume and makeup on the dancers, my knowing I had finally “made it”.

The first few shows were full houses.  People cheering, laughing, clapping, and lined up for autographs following.

And then there was my first “this will put hair on your chest” show experience.

As I recall it was an early in the evening add-on show in an attempt to draw more people, since the later shows sold out so fast.

I remember coming to the stage and seeing less than 20 people smattered throughout the theater of 1,000+ seats.

I recall looking at the band with a look of shock and confusion.

Are we really performing for this small of a group tonight? 

Does the show really still go on if the theater isn’t full? 

I gave my best forced attempt to perform, even with very little applause and not feeling anything from the crowd, and ran off stage when my set finally ended.

And then I made a decision that affected my career forever more:

I walked to the back of the theater and sat in the last row of empty seats to observe how my fellow performers handle this kind of thing.

That’s when I learned the great lesson of show business and business overall.

My peers, all of them, seasoned pros, each BURST onto the stage as if it were a full house.


Sweating, dancing, singing their hearts out.

100% present, full promise kept, for what else would the audience expect?

This was the greatest lesson of CX (Customer Experience) I had ever observed!

As a young, cocky performer, these veterans of SHOWBIZ showed me how to be a PROFESSIONAL.

I never took the stage half-heartedly again.

It became my Promise to always give 100% even if the client had treated me poorly prior, to perform like it was my first opportunity and last chance, to share my talents even if no one in the audience applauded.


The JHE CX Promise: Non-Negotiables in Business

What are your non-negotiables in business?

Giving anything BUT 100% shouldn’t be an option.

Yet how often do we experience a less than experience with those that are performing for us?

Consider your Client’s expectations.  They have a very definite EXPECTATION of the PROMISES you have made to them, whether you realize it or not!

If you attend a show and the performer gives less than their best that is a Broken Promise.

Why is it any different from a show performance in the Customer Experience when interacting with you?

The CX is YOUR CUSTOMER’S EXPERIENCE from theater seats of your SHOW.  Will they feel they got ripped off, or give a lukewarm response, or are you commanding standing ovations and encores?

Want to know how much your customers enjoyed your performance?  Look at how often they are requesting your return business.

Your Promise to create an amazing CX is proven in how often your customers return, tell others about you, and love your Signature Moves for the way only you can deliver them.


Back to the Show

After my days working with Legends in Concert I had offered to speak for free at a Church community event.

I was promised there would be much exposure to opportunities that couldn’t be generated otherwise.

Upon arriving there were less than 6 people in the room full of over 200 chairs.

No problem.

The JHE CX Promise is that these 6 people will be blessed with an experience 194 others just missed!

That is your Non-Negotiable in Business Promise.

That is the Promise to the Audience and especially to The One.

What are your non-negotiable promises when it comes to your client experience? 



Leadership Expert * Author * Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer

The Promise: Become a Legendary Leader and discover your Signature Moves


Ready to become a Professional Speaker?  Let Jason show you how click here

8 Responses

  1. Thank you. I needed this reminder to give the customers at my paper crafting classes my 100% whether there are two people or 20.

    1. It is truly so difficult as you would expect more should be there, but we have to always honor those that show up. I’ll be doing a future post about how this happened to me when I was selling the tickets and how my Mom helped me through it, and I wish you the best with it Toni!

      1. Remembering our promises and fulfilling them is so important. Thank you for the reminder. It is not just the clients we make promises to, it is also important to remember the promises we make to ourselves!

  2. Great story Jason!
    My worst audience ever was 5 people in a 600 seat theater in Las Vegas…2 walked out 15 minutes before the finish! LOL !! I gave those 3 the best finale ever! I got a 3 person standing ovation. HA!

    Always stay in the moment and give it all you’ve got no matter what, that’s my promise. : )

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