Jason Hewlett

Tsunami: A Raw and Rare Example of The Promise To The Team

  For years, my wife and I have enjoyed the incredible sushi of Tsunami, in particular their South Jordan, UT location. This place is ALWAYS packed. Lines out the door oftentimes, and has been that way since it first opened in our community. Tsunami’s Signature Moves: Be the best, high end choice for sushi.  Their […]

Everything That’s Wrong In Your Life

Everything that’s wrong in your life is because you broke a Promise to yourself! You may not like that statement, but having now dug deep enough into this language and concept, it stands up with some heavy testing. And don’t think I’m just pointing one finger at you, because three are pointing back at me, […]

The Misunderstood Legend of Brown M&M’s & Van Halen

Did you ever hear the story of rock band Van Halen trashing a venue because they arrived at the location only to find BROWN M&M’s in the bowl backstage? Do you know why they did that? Most people think it’s because they were a bunch of Rock Stars acting like spoiled brats. In reality, it […]

The Olympic Promise To The TEAM: Caeleb Dressel

If you won a GOLD MEDAL, who would you give it to? If you’re Caeleb Dressel, you hop out of the pool after your team wins GOLD in the 4×100-meter RELAY, run to the bleachers, and toss that Gold Medal to someone in the stands! Shock and shrieking ensues as everyone wonders who is he […]

Promise To A Friend

  When I received the devastating news that my best friend had passed from COVID-19 in January 2021 my heart broke in one fell swoop.  Not only was he my dearest friend, a father figure, a mentor, but was my absolute hero in all aspects of life.     As we discussed funeral plans with […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

Mark Eaton Remembered

Woke up this morning to the stunning news that my lifelong friend and hero, NBA All-Star, and world-class Speaker, Mark Eaton, CSP, had suddenly passed away following a bike accident near his Park City, UT home last night. Still not wrapping my mind around this, I went to my texts and thought of just texting […]

When You Are Under-Utilized

I don’t EVER recall in my career being hired to NOT: Be Funny Sing Do Impressions Do Parodies Share a Message They just wanted me to bring people to stage, introduce their needs clearly, and keep it all on time. That’s it! Have you ever been under-utilized?  This is a first of its kind experience […]

300 Empty Chairs

  One week ago I drove over 200 miles to give my keynote presentation for a first of its kind event in a small city in my home state: The Inaugural Business EXPO put on by the economic development of the city. Entering the ballroom of the beautiful conference center, it was wonderful to see […]

The Promise to Push Yourself

We are nearing the halfway point of 2021. It is highly likely a few of those New Years resolutions are either accomplished and filed away as a part of your History of Awesome, or they are long forgotten and will be reset next January. It doesn’t matter the time of year, or the phase of […]

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