Jason Hewlett

New Year Clean Out

How is your New Year clean out going? Not your New Years resolutions, I mean the normal minutiae you need to clean up. The list of items needing to be cleaned out for the New Year began to grow overwhelmingly long and time consuming for me: CLUTTER Closet Garage Office drawers   VIRTUAL CLUTTER Apps […]

How Scrambled Eggs became Yesterday

  The Beatles song “Yesterday” was originally written as “Scrambled Eggs”  Here are the original lyrics –  “Scrambled eggs Have an omelet with some muenster cheese  Put the dishes in the wash bin please  So I can eat more scrambled eggs.   Scrambled eggs How I really, really love your legs…”  At least, this is how […]

Can Accountants Laugh?

  Have you heard this one? How do you tell the difference between an introverted accountant and an extroverted accountant?   The extrovert looks at your shoes.  That joke has maybe been told to me about 457,682 times after gigs with accountants. Few things strike fear in the heart of a performer like hearing, “We need you to […]

The Promise of Pain

  No Pain, No Gain! That quote is always a fun one to consider. How hard do I push myself before it causes me so much pain I can’t continue?   That has been the question I have considered for the last (nearly) 2 months since a leg injury changed my life in an instant. Having […]

Best Lanyard Maker of All-Time: The Legend of Yori Lim

    Are you ever assigned to do little things that don’t seem to matter? Have you ever been in charge of making a lanyard for an event? Have you ever seen a lanyard and thought, “Does anyone care about how pathetic and cheap this looks?”    Arriving at Stinker Stores in Idaho for their […]


“I have to tell you something…. I’m, um, I’m an alcoholic.  It controls my life, affects my job, and I’m terrified to tell my boss because I don’t think he’ll keep me employed if I tell him my plan after hearing your talk about The Promise today.”  The man whispering to me at the side […]

The Importance of Mediocrity

Glancing social media we will notice quickly our mediocrity in the face of everyone’s great accomplishments. The importance of mediocrity is realizing and embracing the fact that you have talents I don’t have, and I have talents you don’t want!  I spent 3 days recently trying to fix an issue in our bathroom as the […]

Ukraine’s Zelensky and Promise Leadership

Unfolding by the minute, we watch horrified as Russia invades Ukraine, crimes against humanity and illegal strikes on innocent civilians.  We ask: How can this happen in today’s world? When I heard Putin’s military convoy 40 miles long was headed for Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, I figured we’d learn of the Ukrainian administration flying away in […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

You Missed It: Live2Lead

If you weren’t with us in SLC the past few days then you missed out in a big way. Our Live2Lead event was a HUGE success, and the ultimate launch to The Promise Institute. It was incredible to sit back and watch as our Founders led the way, guiding the VIP Experience with The Leadership […]

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