Jason Hewlett

Garbage in Escalante

  When I receive emails like the one you’re about to read, it about makes my heart explode with joy! (I also know, that for every one email I receive, there are potentially hundreds that didn’t share their story of doing good, which is the same as comments on a video, blog, or other.  So, […]

The Joy of Walking

  Come on a walk with me.  Let’s talk. There is great JOY in the morning walk, I’ve found, and hope you’ve so discovered as well. As summer comes to a close and a chill greets each morning, it has been a delight to have the morning walk fill this summer pandemic, to feel the […]

Launch of The Promise To The One

  Thank you so much for your help with this launch!  Let’s get this to people around the world! I appreciate any of the following you’re willing to help with (watch the video): Video sent out Sunday, August 16, to all subscribers –   Launch Day, August 18, Video from Facebook Live – Hope this […]

The Promise of The Writer

  This is THE WEEK! Years in the making, and we finally have all worlds aligned for the launch of my life’s work: “The Promise To The One”  The physical book arrives this Tuesday, August 18th! The audiobook on Audible is available already! The eBook has been available since May 13th to rave reviews! And […]

Giant in our City Event with Governor Herbert

  Last week I had a most unique opportunity to help the Salt Lake Chamber keep their Promise to 1,300 attendees of their most prestigious award honoring The Giant in our City to Governor Gary Herbert. Rather than having the event at the beautiful Grand America Hotel in downtown SLC, due to the COVID-19 restrictions […]

The Shot

  “How did you do that Daddy?!” yelled my sons after I made yet another shot off of my head from the basketball spinning trickery. “I’m going to film you to show Mommy”, my oldest boy said, picking up my iPhone. So I kept shooting and mugging for the camera. You know, the normal shots: […]

Are LIVE Events Back?

  As I walked into the auditorium it was surprising to see a group of friends gathered for a LIVE event. Seated as socially distanced as they could attempt to be, while still congregating with fellow attendees, masks were recommended but optional (our home State allows up to 99 to gather as of this writing), […]

A New Career

“Wait a minute”, she shouted into the Zoom call, “I didn’t even know THAT was possible!?” Elated, she firmed up my appearance for her event on the spot, only 5 minutes into the call, having found the solution they were searching for over a month of planning and having no idea how it would work. […]

Laughter at 2 A.M.

I am awakened by a sound that is not normal for this time of night. Laughter at 2 A.M. Is it outside my window?  Is someone breaking into my car or house?  Maybe toilet-papering the trees?  No, that’s not a thing anymore, that stuff is too valuable to waste. Jumping from my bed I briskly […]

The Importance of Showing Up

Have you ever had one of those nights where you absolutely could not miss your alarm going off? Whether it be a flight, a very important meeting, or something you promised your child you’d do with them, there is something so profound about how serious we take these commitments. Yesterday, I needed to be somewhere […]

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