Jason Hewlett

Launch of The Promise To The One


Thank you so much for your help with this launch!  Let’s get this to people around the world!

I appreciate any of the following you’re willing to help with (watch the video):

Video sent out Sunday, August 16, to all subscribers –


Launch Day, August 18, Video from Facebook Live – Hope this brings some laughs, especially the made up parody on the fly!


COPY, LINKS, and IMAGES for “The Promise To The One” Launch

Official Launch Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Amazon page: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h 

Jason Hewlett Web Site: https://jasonhewlett.com//book/

Book site: https://thepromisetotheone.com/



A. If yet to do so, please consider purchasing the book on AMAZON at the links above.

Any format will do: eBook, Audible, or Physical Paperback (Launch is geared toward Paperback)

B. Please return to AMAZON and post a REVIEW once you have purchased the book as a

Verified Purchase”.  Book Purchases and Reviews over the next 2 WEEKS are of utmost

importance to the success of the book.

C. Please Note: After writing your Review, please be sure to COPY your Review and PASTE in an

email to yourself, in case Amazon doesn’t post it (they do not accept all reviews)




Feel free to peruse our library of images and utilize any that you would like!

You may even find yourself already highlighted in an image if you left a Review on Amazon previously!

Perhaps seeing these images will inspire what you’ll want to post about as well.

Below are suggestions for HASHTAGS, LINKS, and other.

(NOTE: All social media platforms, except for Twitter, are penalizing LINKS to other web sites in the original post by not showing up in your audience’s feed…so it is recommended to write your post and then add “LINK TO BOOK IN COMMENTS”.  There you will add the link to AMAZON.  Examples below.)



Below are suggested posts that you can use on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube.

If you are willing to schedule the posts as a series that go out over the course of the day or even a few days that is amazingly helpful, as this staggered approach helps to amplify the message – but we are grateful for anything you’re willing to do!

If you only have time to post on one platform, LinkedIn is preferred, next is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube (if inspired to make a VIDEO and be my best friend!) in that order.

Thank you for any time you’re willing to take to help!





#BookLaunch   or   #Book


Jason’s Social Media Links – FEEL FREE TO TAG –

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonhewlett                           @jasonhewlett

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jason.hewlett1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonhewlett/   @jasonhewlett

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jasonrhewlett


TWITTER: @jasonhewlett  https://twitter.com/jasonhewlett   

Tweet 1:

You have made promises to your boss, your family, but what about yourself?  Jason Hewlett’s book is a must read for living your purpose and launches today!  @jasonhewlett #ThePromiseToTheOne #ThePromise https://rb.gy/pyzy5h

Tweet 2:

“Why set a Goal when you can make a Promise?” What are the promises you are making to yourself and to live your purpose?  Get Jason’s book today, I highly recommend it! @jasonhewlett #ThePromiseToTheOne #ThePromise https://rb.gy/pyzy5h

Tweet 3:

Is there a book you’ve read lately that changed the way you live your life?  I just finished reading Jason Hewlett’s new book and it has shifted the way I make and keep promises to myself, my family, and job. @jasonhewlett #ThePromiseToTheOne #ThePromise https://rb.gy/pyzy5h


LINKEDIN:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/

LinkedIn 1:

Leadership is knowing who you are, what you bring to every situation, and utilizing the greatness of those on your team.  Do you know what your Signature Moves are as a Leader?  It is your Promise to share it as a Leader.  In Jason Hewlett’s book,  “The Promise To The One”, launching today, you will dive deep into your own Promise in business, to team, and especially to yourself.  Lead with confidence, define your purpose, keep your promise!  Check it out, linked in the comments.   

#ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #BookLaunch

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )

LinkedIn 2:

Read any good books lately?  How about great books?  I’d like to know your recommendations and I have one for you today, as it launches now!  Jason Hewlett’s “The Promise To The One” is extraordinary and was one of the most entertaining, engaging, inspiring reads I’ve enjoyed in a long time.  Check it out, linked in the comments.   #ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #Books

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )

LinkedIn 3:

What is your Brand Promise?  Not of your company, but your Personal Brand Promise?  What are you known for?  What do you bring in leadership that no one else can?  That is your Promise.  Jason Hewlett’s “The Promise To The One” is one of the best books I’ve read this year, it is an entertaining, engaging, inspiring read.  Check it out, linked in the comments.   #ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #Books

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )


FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jason.hewlett1/

INSTAGRAM: @jasonhewlett  https://www.instagram.com/jasonhewlett/ 

Facebook / Instagram 1:

I have a book recommendation that is extra important to me today, as it is officially released as of now!  I read Jason’s book a few months ago with the eBook released during the pandemic and am excited to let you know the book is now available in paperback.  Why would I be sharing this?  Because upon my reading it made me step back and make greater promises to myself, which have helped me navigate this tough time for our family, and keep promises I’ve made in life to my work, community and others.  The Promise he talks about is your promise to yourself.  How are you doing with yours?  This book is entertaining, engaging, educational, and a must for anyone looking to improve their life and discover their true purpose.  I hope you’ll get a copy today. Check it out, linked in the comments.   #ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #Books

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )

Facebook / Instagram 2:

Every day we are faced with promises being broken or kept.  Promises have a huge impact on our past, present and future.  Think of your promises you’ve made to yourself!  My eyes were opened when I went through the exercises in Jason Hewlett’s new book, “The Promise To The One”.  It helped me gain greater confidence and become the person I’ve always tried to be.  This book is entertaining, engaging, educational, and a must for anyone looking to improve their life and discover their true purpose.  I hope you’ll get a copy today. Check it out, linked in the comments.   #ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #Books

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )

Facebook / Instagram 3:

Have you ever thought about the difference between a Goal and a Promise?  Since reading this book I have changed my perspective on the kinds of goals I’m setting, which lead to greater promises, and it has shifted the way I live every day.  Have you heard of my friend, Jason Hewlett?  You need to read his brand new book, launching today, “The Promise To The One”.  It will change your life, like has mine.

Check it out, linked in the comments.   #ThePromiseToTheOne #Leadership #Books

(In Comment Section: Here is the link to the book: https://rb.gy/pyzy5h  )


To check out all of our AMAZING images, click on this link –


To post the images, right click on the image you’d like to use and “save as picture”.

Then upload to your social platform with one of the suggested posts.


Thank you so much!

jason hewlett 

Leadership Expert * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise


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