Jason Hewlett

Ever Seen A Manager Cry? The ICM Process

  Have you ever seen a Manager cry? Not because you did something wrong… Because the people they lead are giving them compliments, great words to hang their hat on, and clarifying attributes about them they’ve never seen in themselves! This happened the other day when Allen Roberds and I, Co-Founders of The Promise Institute, […]

My Best Friend

  20 years ago I married my Best Friend. I always wondered what it would be like to hit one of those Anniversary milestones, and this feels like one, although some have said, “20?  That’s nothing!  Try 50!”  Hahaha.  I will love that, too. I imagined how much we’d still like each other at 20 […]

Mark Eaton Remembered

Woke up this morning to the stunning news that my lifelong friend and hero, NBA All-Star, and world-class Speaker, Mark Eaton, CSP, had suddenly passed away following a bike accident near his Park City, UT home last night. Still not wrapping my mind around this, I went to my texts and thought of just texting […]

The Promise to Push Yourself

We are nearing the halfway point of 2021. It is highly likely a few of those New Years resolutions are either accomplished and filed away as a part of your History of Awesome, or they are long forgotten and will be reset next January. It doesn’t matter the time of year, or the phase of […]

The Video Book is Finally Available!

  The Time Has Come – The VIDEO BOOK of “The Promise To The One” IS FINALLY HERE!   Backstory: At the end of February 2020, just before the world turned, the U.S. shut down with the pandemic, and all of my events were canceled as all went into quarantine, I flew across the country to […]

The Las Vegas Strip

  Have you been to The Strip in Las Vegas?   Unless you’re used to walking down the streets of New York City or Tokyo, The Strip in Las Vegas is a serious shock to the system for anyone. Energy.  Volume.  Lights.  People. Some craziness…or, lots of craziness.  I mean, heck, what is The Signature Move […]


Due to the word “PROMISE”, I am often asked if this is a religious concept first and foremost.   Full disclosure: I believe there are SPIRITUAL undertones in everything we do; in business, in community, in social settings, and is the basis of our leadership. The Promise has become a foundational expression of my existence. And […]

The Missing Key

Have you ever noticed the unfairness that is the following statement: If you do your job, no one has any idea how many times you’ve delivered, sacrifices made, miracles pulled off to make everything go smooth sailing…yet, if you fail to do your job only one time EVERYONE will notice! How cruel is this life […]

The Promise Institute

  What did you dream about becoming when you were a kid? If you were like me (and perhaps you’ve read these facts in my book), the possibilities seemed endless, as it may have involved being an artist for Disney, playing basketball in the NBA, or becoming famous for your music and acting in movies. […]

View From The Top of The World

  What makes you HAPPY? I think of that zone I get in when work is just flowing, I’m cranking out emails, finishing To-Do lists, projects delivered and ready to be published; Moments cruising down the highway in the RV as I look in the rearview mirror and see my children playing a game with […]

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