Jason Hewlett


Have you been to The Strip in Las Vegas?  

Unless you’re used to walking down the streets of New York City or Tokyo, The Strip in Las Vegas is a serious shock to the system for anyone.

Energy.  Volume.  Lights.  People.

Some craziness…or, lots of craziness.  I mean, heck, what is The Signature Move of Las Vegas?  It certainly keeps The Promise in regard to what it is known for!

This past week for Spring Break we took our kids to Vegas in the RV for a little break from our normal quiet life, and threw them to the wolves of visual and audible over-stimulation.


Hewlett Kids in Vegas


What do you do for a Home Family or Work Family Retreat?

I knew my “little raptors” were in for a treat within the first minute of our arrival, when, after watching the Mickey Mouse guy take a photo with some tourist children, ripped off his costume head, ran over to the Pikachu-costumed guy, and they both started smoking and coughing…with beloved cartoon character heads upside down on the ground at their feet.

Welcome to Vegas kids! 

In stunned silence, and a bold attempt at holding back their nervous laughter, we saw sight after sight that caught us off-guard; whether it was the Chippendale Dancer dudes in speedos trying to get a selfie with our Mother, the scores of stores enticing our entrance with all types of gambling, alcohol, and excitement, the dancers doing body contortions in a circle from whence they cannot step outside of for a performance, or the nearly nude showgirls looking for embarrassed husbands and tips.


Mommy trying to take our picture as some guy came up to us on Fremont Street and starting having a conversation with us about our goals, Trump, and waterfalls.


Why would our “nice little family” subject our teenage children to such an experience, you ask?


Easy answer: The Promise to The Family is creating and facilitating experiences to educate, enlighten, and engage in leadership and culture – even to shock the system. 


A few hours worth of walking, gawking, and blinking in an unfamiliar setting, led to a week’s worth of talking, connecting, and unforgettable memories between our RV, our home, and every conversation we’ve had since.

I believe the powerful, life-affirming, faith-promoting, and decision-making discussions will continue for much longer than that as well!

This was eye-opening in every way, and did exactly what we’d hoped it would in our little retreat as a family.


Hewlett Kids in Vegas



What types of experiences are you creating for your HOME Family?  

What retreats can you create for your WORK Family?  

What past experiences have created the most unforgettable memories for your Home Family and Work Family?

In the Pandemic-Life, we have been trapped inside and simulated as many culture-creating opportunities as we could, yet now that doors have opened up a bit more, we are racing to get outside!

Perhaps your family feels like ours, and maybe your workspace is the same.

The Family Vacations beckon;

The Work Retreats and Events begin again;

How are you going to make it:

Unforgettable?  Impressionable?  Conversational?  Significant?

At The Promise Institute, we facilitate experiences such as this:

Level 1: The Leadership Game (held as a roundtable outside of the office – video HERE to check it out)

Level 2: The Promise Culture (ICM Process workshop)

Level 3: The Promise Retreats (held worldwide)

Level 4: The Promise Impact (combination of retreats, humanitarian trips, and online engagement)


As a Promise Family at Home, we do all levels listed above at once on every trip, and plan them with the Promise Philosophy in mind, as the main driver of our intention.


Your Promise Prompt for this Week

Share with us in the comments where you’ve been, where you’re going, or any way in which you have cultivated a Promise Culture in your Family at Home, or Family at Work.

I am excited to learn from you, and hope we get the opportunity to discuss facilitating the same with those you associate with when you engage with The Promise Institute.

~ Jason Hewlett

The Promise Institute Co-Founder

Promise Culture Keynote Speaker

* Speaker Hall of Fame

Author of “The Promise To The One”


6 Responses

  1. In Times Square, the people dressed up as superheroes do the same thing with the smoke breaks, and every time I see that, I think to myself, “you folks need a superhero lounge or something to do that to not freak out the kids!” It’s no surprise that it happens in Vegas, too! lol BTW – what cool parents to bring the kids to Vegas!

    1. Hahahahah. So funny. It’s a great idea my friend, and makes it all the funnier. Thank you for commenting!

    Just realized my ‘caps” button was on. I am not going to retype it!!!!!!!!!
    Blessings, Louise

    1. Haha. Our family had a fun time there, pretty interesting experience, but I can understand the sentiment for certain places as a been there done that, too.

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