Jason Hewlett

The Video Book is Finally Available!


The Time Has Come –

The VIDEO BOOK of “The Promise To The One” IS FINALLY HERE!  


At the end of February 2020, just before the world turned, the U.S. shut down with the pandemic, and all of my events were canceled as all went into quarantine, I flew across the country to film a project that I hoped would bring my soon-to-be-launched book to life.

3 days of filming, standing and reading/performing my book for

8-hours a day = sore feet!

It was the concept of a brilliant friend of mine, fellow speaker Chuck Gallagher, who called me and said, “I have an idea to create your upcoming book into a video that will feel like a documentary and movie, called a VIDEO BOOK, but you need to get here quick so we can start working on it!”

Chuck Gallagher of Primeau Productions with Jason Hewlett

(I wrote about this amazing experience when we launched Chapter 1 in July 2020, CLICK HERE to read more.) 

As one other friend, a great mentor of mine, Stephen Shapiro, had already shown me a sample of his video book, I was intrigued.

The time, investment, and effort was all worth it!

Yes, it took over one year to finish this project, but it’s finally here!




We considered many roads and options for the best way to deliver this to the world:


Amazon Prime?

DELTA (on the video screens while you fly)?

Bus Tours in Branson?

Marriott Hotel Room TV/Video options?

YouTube Channel paid subscription?


There are plenty of ideas for where this can end up, and we are working on some of the grand options, and expect this will pop up in some awesome venues over time.

We of course have the video chapters integrated into our Promise Institute LMS (Learning Management System) and our clients have been thrilled with the combination of video and prompts their employees can engage due to this being such interesting footage and so well produced.

And then there were my friends and clients asking:

“What about our families? 

What about having this for myself? 

Is there a way we can enjoy this Video Book on our own time, in our own home?” 

The answer at first was NO.

But we have been convinced through many experiments and trials, having allowed certain groups, from education and religious, to families and homeschool, to entrepreneurs and small businesses associations, to test it out.

This led to a resounding YES – it has to be available to all who want it on a private use basis!

And so, here it is!!!



A Video Book, if you’ve never heard of it (which is likely), is the same recording of my Audio Book (found on Audible) but with me on camera/video.

No, you will not just be looking at me the entire time (thank goodness), however, you will enjoy a documentary/storytelling-style with this video that will keep you engaged, entertained, and educated.

Like watching a MOVIE, but of a BOOK that has COME TO LIFE! 

Having scoured photos and videos from my life history, when I talk about my life, you’ll see my old photos in these videos.

With the producers and creators of the project, Chuck’s team has brought to life every story, detail, and emphasized the major points within the book to pique interest and learning.


The Team of Primeau Productions with Jason Hewlett



There is OVER 5 HOURS of VIDEO in this Video Book.

Watch it in one sitting if you must, but please, take a potty break every so often.

We expect families and individuals will enjoy this during a morning motivation devotional with family, perhaps as a teaching moment or inspiration when nothing on YouTube fits the bill, or even just background listening as you workout (glancing over to watch occasionally during your Yoga stretch).

We request that associations, companies, education and religious groups, as well as others who are interested in utilizing footage from the Video Book for their own events and teaching to please contact us and request usage rights for each time played.

But in today’s world we can’t keep track of those things, and so, we put our trust in the customer to do what’s right…after all, the book is called, “The Promise To The One”.

And then there was the pricing challenge.

When you can buy an eBook for under $10, a physical book for under $20, probably have Audible subscription at $15 per month…how much to price a Video Book?

After all, the cost to make this book was in the 5-figures range and could have easily been more.

Video direction, production, and the year’s long amount of work that went into this is NOT CHEAP!

Truthfully, Chuck’s Team went FAR beyond what they charged for this and kept The Promise to me in a big way with what they delivered as an overwhelmingly beautiful finished product.

Once you see it I know you’ll agree.

We landed on the very fair price of $97.

Again, imagine BUYING 3 movies on iTunes or Disney+ (if you know, they are now charging $30 to see new releases of movies)!

And remember: 3 Movies = how long this footage amounts to.

However, we want this to be affordable to any and all (insert screaming TV pitchman: “BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!”)

There is a MAJOR DISCOUNT and Special Code for this initial offering that we are happy to gift my readers for being loyal and engaging in The Promise community for so long.

Your Special Code is:  60OFF



My friend, this to me is a LIFE-LEGACY PROJECT.

The kind that few people ever in an entire lifetime would have the chance to have made.  As proud as I am of the book, the reception of it, the audio book, and how much people enjoy it, I have to say honestly:

The Video Book is Next Level

There is NOTHING like what you’re about to watch available anywhere for private/individual consumption (and if you’ve seen it somewhere offered by someone else, send me a link!).

I believe that, consumed in portions and with intention, the Video Book can revolutionize the way we consume the written word.

I hope you enjoy it.  I hope you’ll share this post.  I hope you’ll find value here and stick around, as there is a lot more to come.

On behalf of The Promise Institute we THANK YOU for your commitment to living The Promise!


~ Jason Hewlett

The Promise Institute Co-Founder

Promise Culture Keynote Speaker

* Speaker Hall of Fame

Author of “The Promise To The One”



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