Jason Hewlett

No. 15 Scores

  No photos of this one, but I witnessed something beautiful this afternoon. You know, when special moments are shared on the news because they’re the feel good kind? That’s what I saw, in person. My son’s middle school basketball game. Things weren’t going well for the opposing team, as we played on their home […]

Your Calling: How Do You Know If You’re Living It?

    Imagine this scenario: You are considered THE BEST in the world at your chosen profession – according to critics, peers, well known in the public – and suddenly you MUST change your career. Does this thought excite you, or terrify you? If it is YOUR choice, then it’s a great thing! If it’s […]

Celebrate The Wins

  As the Zoom meeting closed, I smiled into the camera until all had for sure ended, and click – it was over. I had been staring into the ring light and camera lens for 6 hours straight, as Emcee for a multi-day virtual conference, and this was the 3rd and final day. Holding myself […]

The Joy of Walking

  Come on a walk with me.  Let’s talk. There is great JOY in the morning walk, I’ve found, and hope you’ve so discovered as well. As summer comes to a close and a chill greets each morning, it has been a delight to have the morning walk fill this summer pandemic, to feel the […]

Interview with My Dad

  We thought he would be dead at 63 due to genetics and his health… Now, 68 and still going strong, imagine having the chance to interview your Dad for over an hour and discuss your family history, his challenges and trials, and help create awareness of his business. My post/video about getting better sleep […]

Change Your Sleep, Change Your Life

  Do you suffer from the inability to go to sleep? I have my entire life. Until lately things have finally begun to change, but it is a choice, as I’ve begun to make and keep simple promises that are making a huge difference. And it’s true what they say, “Change your Sleep, Change your […]

3-2-1 Liftoff!

  If you’ve ever launched something, whether it is a basketball shot, a new business, or the 2 Liter bottle rocket for your kid’s science project, you know the arc of senses one feels in each attempt to succeed as we let go of our security and send the object into motion to be acted […]

Launch of The Promise To The One

  Thank you so much for your help with this launch!  Let’s get this to people around the world! I appreciate any of the following you’re willing to help with (watch the video): Video sent out Sunday, August 16, to all subscribers –   Launch Day, August 18, Video from Facebook Live – Hope this […]

The Promise of The Writer

  This is THE WEEK! Years in the making, and we finally have all worlds aligned for the launch of my life’s work: “The Promise To The One”  The physical book arrives this Tuesday, August 18th! The audiobook on Audible is available already! The eBook has been available since May 13th to rave reviews! And […]

Introducing The Video Book of The Promise To The One

  You’ve enjoyed paperback books and hard covers, perhaps you prefer loading every book onto one device as an eReader/eBook, or maybe you’re like me and love the option of listening to the author read an audiobook on Audible, and if you liked the book enough you’ll buy every variation I’ve just listed. However, I […]

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