Jason Hewlett

The Promise of Community During Social Distancing

  In the past week more memorable moments have happened between our front room (video social shares) and front yard (friends performing) than perhaps over an entire year. Below you will find all of the stories and wonderful videos you don’t want to miss! From friends stopping by (who are now on the news and […]

Notice The Little Gifts

What a wild 2 weeks it has been! I hope you can feel my prayers that you are well, healthy and safe. I woke up this morning to consider what to write in this Blog as a best effort to engage you, uplift, connect, and began focusing on all of the challenges that continue to […]

The Story of The Stuck Dog

This is The Story of The Stuck Dog. I was out for a walk last night and had a most extraordinary experience. Feeling sorry for myself amid the current situation of losing work, the panic and fear of the virus pandemic, an earthquake near our home last week… I walked and talked in a therapeutic […]

Family Feud – Stuck Together 24/7: What Do We Do Now?

  “How long until this is over?” This was the question my 8-year old asked us at the end of the first full day of our: Family not having any guests over Not playing with friends Not going to sit down and eat out at the local restaurant Or going to school And just us […]

The Promise to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

  For the past 3 weeks I have been stressing over one event that has driven me to a certain level of insanity rarely experienced in recent years.  I think this level of anxiety has only been topped a few times in recent memory before I did an event.  Such as… 2016 as Opening Keynote […]

Promise to The Work Family

  Years ago, before I had kids, I was at a friend’s home and remember watching him with his little ones before sending them off to school. The whole family put their hands in the circle, hand over hand, as they shouted altogether, “Gooooooo TEAM!” I thought: Well, that’s corny.  But cute, too. Now with […]

Another Kid’s School Concert

  By December 10th our family had already been to 7 holiday concerts between school, community events, and church. This past week we faithfully trudged to yet another one…I’m just assuming you’re experiencing the same thing at this time of year! After my daughter’s dance number was over (hers was the first one) we had […]

The Parable of the Car Jump

“Sir!” she shouted as she tapped my closed car window, “Can you help me?  My car needs a jump!” Her words were muffled between the phone call I had just answered and the snow storm outside. I opened the door and shouted through the storm, a bit tersely, “What do you need?” “I left the […]


The box on our porch was so big I needed to have help bringing it in the house. Excited and surprised, we wondered what it could be. As our family tore into the paper filling we unveiled the yummiest, tastiest, most thoughtful gift we could imagine: Scones, Muffins, Jams & Jellies, Honey & Flavored Butter, […]

The Promise to The Family

  I’ll never forget the moment I realized I was the ultimate hypocrite. On a Daddy-Son Day with my then 3-year old boy, Romney, as I posted a photo on Facebook of us having a great time on our first outing just he and I,  it occurred to me the very thought: This is what […]

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We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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