Jason Hewlett

How To Shape & Sculpt Your Performance

How good is your Performance?  Not last year, not someday, but right now. In leadership you are required to judge the performance of those you lead on a very frequent basis. In sports those who stay in the game the longest are the highest performers. In sales you must perform or you’re out of a […]

Another Kid’s School Concert

  By December 10th our family had already been to 7 holiday concerts between school, community events, and church. This past week we faithfully trudged to yet another one…I’m just assuming you’re experiencing the same thing at this time of year! After my daughter’s dance number was over (hers was the first one) we had […]

3 AM in Las Vegas

  If you’re in Las Vegas and awake at 3 AM, there are only a few reasonable scenarios: You’ve lost so much money that you are doing all you can to win it back…you’re staying at that craps table until the kid’s college fund is replenished! You’re from the East Coast and are used to […]

The Parable of the Car Jump

“Sir!” she shouted as she tapped my closed car window, “Can you help me?  My car needs a jump!” Her words were muffled between the phone call I had just answered and the snow storm outside. I opened the door and shouted through the storm, a bit tersely, “What do you need?” “I left the […]


The box on our porch was so big I needed to have help bringing it in the house. Excited and surprised, we wondered what it could be. As our family tore into the paper filling we unveiled the yummiest, tastiest, most thoughtful gift we could imagine: Scones, Muffins, Jams & Jellies, Honey & Flavored Butter, […]

When Billy Joel Didn’t Play The Piano Man

We’ve all been there: In the audience when a promise was made and then blatantly broken to us. The Boss who lured you to the new job with promise of promotion and more free time, only to see your climb up the ladder stopped as the workload fills your days off; The Contractor you hired […]

The Fan Experience

  Sitting down to lunch a few blocks from the venue where I had just finished my stage performance for thousands in attendance, I basked in the glory of another standing ovation moment.    Right as I bit into my sandwich a large group of lanyard wearing attendees from the event where I had just […]

The $36,525.50 Receipt

  As I signed my name on the receipt I said to my wife, “Glad we got here in time before they closed.  We really need this Dramamine for our boat ride tomorrow.” That’s when my wife, ever-present, ever-ready, looked over my shoulder at the receipt. “Wait a minute!  What is this?”  She snatched it […]

The JHE CX Promise: Non-Negotiables in Business

  Have you ever spoken or performed in front of an audience of 1,000 people before? It’s quite the rush, and can be an amazing, or even terrifying experience. I remember my first few shows at the beginning of my career working with the traveling show, the Las Vegas “Legends in Concert”. Stepping out onto […]

Sophia The Robot

  “We are very excited to have you speak to our delegates in Sydney, Australia, to our 8,000 attendees, most of which will be translated realtime into over 20 languages from all over the world…but there is one challenge we face that we will need you to send us scripting for… You’ll be sharing the […]

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