Jason Hewlett

The Chocolate Factory Broken Promise

“Better than advertised” is always preferred to “Worse than we anticipated!” Did you read this story of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory Experience in Glasgow, Scotland 2 weeks ago? It advertised a spectacle of fun & beauty, replicating the famous movies and experience for kids, only to have families show up to a near empty […]

Talking with a Human

  My cell phone number is on the Home Page of my web site. It is also strewn about the internet in every place possible. For years I refused to have my number out there, due to the distraction and lack of privacy it afforded me, as well as having managers, agents, and others deal […]

No Tipping Allowed

In my home state, there is a new bagel shop in town that does NOT allow customers to leave a tip. The owner of Cheryl’s Bagels, Cheryl Mignone, says she was tired of having to tip someone for doing next to nothing and shaming them into tipping once the iPad was turned towards them. Here’s […]

The Middle Seat

“No, thank you, I will take any seat but the middle seat,” I reply to the customer service agent. “Sir, you don’t understand, you’ll be sitting in a normal seat in the back if you don’t accept this upgrade to ComfortPlus, but we don’t have a window or aisle, only a middle seat,” the agent […]

Million Miler

  Last week I received an email from DELTA CEO, Ed Bastian, that brought me both elation and devastation in one line: Jason, Congratulations on One Million Miles! Elation because I have achieved something while chasing my dreams and making a living doing the career that I love. Devastation because it reminded me of how […]

80-hours to China and Back

  Hi My Friend. This blog will be short and sweet. Last Tuesday I had an event in Chicago that was awesome. Tomorrow I leave my home at 4 AM to go to Indianapolis for my next event. I have had those booked for quite a while now. And then an opportunity came up that […]

The Broken AV Promise

  This selfie was taken an hour before one of the worst events of my career, which happened a few weeks ago. Join me, for a most joyful recounting of such an experience! LOL Before every event I talk with the AV Team. AV stands for “Audio Visual”, and they are my lifeline to a […]

The Shopping Cart Promise

We pulled into the only open parking spot in the grocery store lot… Only to suddenly have to back out due to a shopping cart that was already parked there!    I’m curious – What is The Shopping Cart Promise? Is it real? Or is it something I have just imagined? Please help me know […]

1 vs 100

A teacher stands in front of the classroom. She pops off the dry erase marker cap, dramatically spins, and slams a black dot in the exact center of the board. With flair and enthusiasm, she asks the class, “What do you see?!”  Hands shoot up and everyone shouts, “A BLACK DOT!”  “WROOOOONNNNNG!” she replies. Confused, […]

Cleaning Before Cleaning

I’ve always found it bizarre that I need to clean the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.   I mean, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a dishwasher? To do the job of that which should do the job! I’ve been told that our dishwasher can actually handle whatever we stick in there. I […]

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