Jason Hewlett

Who’s The Sellout Now?

  20 years ago at this time I was being offered the opportunity of a lifetime in Las Vegas: to be managed, produced, and mentored by the people who brought my hero, Danny Gans, to Sin City and helped make him a star. Then I would have a residency at multiple locations throughout California and […]

Rudy’s Promise: Mommy & Baby vs. Basketball

  This past week one of my favorite players, a former Utah Jazz man and now 4-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year, Rudy Gobert, made a decision that confronts the very topic of this blog with precision: to what level do you keep The Promise? His partner, the inspiring and lovely Julia Bonilla, was […]

Stepping Down When It’s Best For The Team – The Promise of José Abreu

  This week, former MVP baseball player, José Abreu, was sent down to the minor leagues. It may not seem like significant news to a casual observer, as baseball players go minors to majors and back to minors often. Here are articles with ESPN and Yahoo Sports. For a former 3-time All-Star and MVP, who […]

I Am Who I Am That is That

  This past week I was reintroduced to this most powerful and uplifting song: “I Am Who I Am That is That”. It came on the heels of receiving another round of very hurtful comments, messages, and other difficult things people send me due to my writings, opinions on social media, and leadership roles across […]

Your Daily Routine

  For years I have worked to create a daily routine that starts off my day in the ideal ways of Promise-level living. You may already have yours down pat, for which I would like to know what you do, if you’re willing to comment below some of the secrets of your success. The more […]

When Executives Keep The Promise – The Legend of Troy Nix AMBA

  This week I witnessed something I’ve never seen done on stage at any event in my nearly 25 years of attending conferences worldwide. In Grand Rapids, MI, the Executive Director of AMBA, arrived on stage in a suit and tie, delivering a stirring motivational speech as good as any of my hall of fame […]

The Copyright Claim

  Monday I woke up, excited to have a great day, and head out the door to my speaking event. Quickly checking emails (famous last words), I was hit with the kind of message every small business owner dreads: Copyright Claim! Yes, an image on this very blog was copyright protected and I owed nearly […]

The Chocolate Factory Broken Promise

“Better than advertised” is always preferred to “Worse than we anticipated!” Did you read this story of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory Experience in Glasgow, Scotland 2 weeks ago? It advertised a spectacle of fun & beauty, replicating the famous movies and experience for kids, only to have families show up to a near empty […]

Crazy Week

It is after midnight on Sunday, March 3, as this blog is due to go out at 5 AM. I usually don’t wait until the very last minute to write the blog, but this is my first opening this week to work on it. The Promise is to make sure to share something with you […]

Your Favorite President

Who is your Favorite President of the United States? And why? I grew up in the eras of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and have raised children during eras of Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s amazing to think there have been so few presidents in my lifetime, only 8 of them, as I’m a few […]

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