Jason Hewlett

2017 Goals vs. Promises

  As the NEW YEAR approaches, what are the GOALS you are focused on accomplishing to really hit a home run this coming year? If you’re like me, you realize that sometimes GOALS aren’t enough. Call it what you will: Resolutions * Commitments * Goals I ask the question: “Why Set a Goal when you […]

The Promise of The Performer Amid Personal Tragedy

  Tonight, just prior to taking the stage, for my final performance of 2016, I just happened to answer a phone call from an old friend.  Watch this video to see the news I received:     It is rare for me to feel this sad.  Carla is a most exemplary person, full of life, […]

The Promise of Your Best Work

  What is your level of care when it comes to your work? The lady who swiped my card at the store today: she’s just doing a job, didn’t even bother to say hello or converse when I tried to engage with her, just looked down and away.  Luckily there was the storefront manager-turned-bagger who […]

How A Funeral Can Change Your Business

This week my Uncle David Goates’ Dad passed away.  His name is L. Brent Goates, here is his beautiful obituary. I only knew this man a little bit, saw him at extended family gatherings throughout my life, he didn’t even know my name or who I was, but why would that matter?  He had many […]

Engaged Employees Make or Break Your Business

  Disengaged and uncommitted employees cause more loss of money to business owners than anything else. I’m not talking about non-engaged employees, they at least keep the lights on…I’m talking about disengaged employees that drive business AWAY! Think of the last time you had a GREAT experience at a restaurant, a theme park, or checking […]

The Promise of Mentors


How do you TOP a year like 2016?  This has been one of those years that you dream about, where it seems all the stars align and you realize all the work you have been doing is finally taking shape and headed in the right direction. The challenge with reaching a new level of success […]

The Promise to The Family: Personal (Part 2)

Hall of Fame Speaker Jason Hewlett Daybreak Utah Family

  Welcome to Part 2 of The Promise to The Family   (If you missed it, CLICK HERE for Part 1: The Business Family: AKA “The Team”)   There are 2 types of families: Personal & Business On a Personal level, there is a FAMILY for which we work, stay disciplined, and bring home the […]

What Do Michael Jackson and Chewbacca Have in Common?

  Question: What do the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and Chewbacca, of StarWars fame, have in common? Answer: We expect one thing of them, that they keep their Promise – deliver their Signature Move – or else we wonder if we’re seeing the real thing. Even as he has been gone for 7 years […]

The Promise To The One

Keynote Speaker Motivation Work-Life Balance Joy

  We make promises to everyone. “I promise I’ll get that over to you by the end of the day.”  “Yes, I promise I will pick you up in time for dance!”  “I promise you, we will make it happen, you will get this sale, I will coach you through it, and if you can’t […]

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