Jason Hewlett

“Sell It All”: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

When you are the most decorated player in the history of your sport, you would think it would be important to keep every accomplishment, trophy, ring, and accolade by your side to relish the memory until your dying day. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, basketball’s greatest star collectively (no disrespect to Mr. Bill Russell or Michael Jordan) from […]

Leaving Neverland: Saying Goodbye to Michael Jackson

The Moonwalk is what set my career in motion. I knew that if a gawky, awkward, dweeby, girlfriend-less kid like me could figure out that incredibly beautiful, other-worldly move, it was game over. For an entire summer I wore out my VHS tapes of “Motown 25 Special”, “Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller”, “Moonwalker”, and every […]

The Promise of The Utah Jazz

  I’ve been a fan of the Utah Jazz my entire life. They are what I call a Promise Keeping company. Promises are kept when leaders know how to lead well and correctly. Larry H. Miller and his amazing wife, Gail, led the team to great heights, and Gail continues on since Larry’s passing in […]

US Military Airplane Seat Story

I posted this the other day on Facebook and LinkedIn and it was quite the popular post, being shared by many supporters of our US Military. The only reason I posted it was to say Thank You to those who serve & protect, and to remind others we have a Promise to do what we […]

Thank You RootsTech

  This past Saturday morning I thought I was simply introducing the world’s greatest ukulele player, Jake Shimabukuro, and then closing out the final session as Emcee of RootsTech, the largest genealogy conference on the planet. However, as I settled in to gather my thoughts for the words I might say in half an hour […]

Your 2019 New Years Resolutions (Come March…)

  Who is still hitting the gym by March? Come on my friend, you’ve got this! New Years Resolutions are usually dead and gone come the first week of March. In January there is literally never a spot at the gym parking lot, come March I can drive right into the lobby it’s so empty. […]

Are You A Trainer?

  The other day a text from an old friend led to a phone call with an unexpected question: “We know you are usually booked to be The Speaker for events, but we are in need of you teaching our C-Level Executives how to – how can I put this – how to not look […]

Legendary Leadership: Who is The Heart of Your Team?

  The Superbowl was a few weeks ago. Certainly not a nail-biter and with a fairly predictable outcome. What I love most about the spectacle that is this event are the stories which come forth that warm the heart and inspire greater commitment to team, turning co-workers into family members we care for and recognize. […]

The Choice Between

  2 Mondays ago we welcomed the newest member to our family, a beautiful, excited, chew everything, diarrhea everywhere, happy Goldendoodle 8-week old pup. His name is Buster Silvermine Bojangles Dude Hewlett. We love him. As we got all set up, after a trip to the store to buy a kennel, bed, and chew toys, […]

The Promise: Raising Legendary Leaders

  The other day a man took my order at a restaurant. When I began to speak his eyes widened and he said, excitedly, “You’re Jason Hewlett!  You came to my school when I was in 3rd grade.  That was the best assembly of my life!”  Looking at his full grown beard, head balding, and […]

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