Jason Hewlett

Facing The Fear: Promise to Self

  In the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, little Toto the dog discovers the all and powerful Oz behind the curtain. Oz is freaked, tells them “Don’t mind the man behind the curtain!!!” Well, I’m no Oz great and powerful, but here on this blog I pull the curtain back willingly with the intention of […]

Becoming Legendary Leaders: The Promise to Mentor

  “Your son has some, well…. challenges,” the teacher began. “Such as,” asked the mother. “Well, reading is an issue in multiple areas, especially out loud and comprehension.  Same with math, the concepts just aren’t working in his mind.  His writing is compromised and his handwriting is illegible.  He seems fine with social skills and making friends, but […]

JetBlue Signature Service

  “Welcome aboard!  Are you Mr. Hewlett by chance?”  Surprised to be recognized, I said yes and was promptly handed a few items: A blanket, neck pillow, and this handwritten note.     Seated in my preferred exit row aisle seat for the 5 hour flight home, I was asked if I wanted a snack […]

Moving On From The Usual

  My wife & I snuck off to our favorite breakfast place for a quick bite before my flight out. Yes, it was a detour, but this has been our go-to for the past few years. Reality quickly took a turn from our expected outcome: The usually fresh biscuits came out as over-cooked and stale; […]

Legendary Leadership = Acknowledgement

  “Hi TJ”, I said casually, loud enough for her to hear me over the roar of the shuttle. TJ The Shuttle Driver looked in the overhead mirror, and then as if stunned, craned her head over in my direction, nearly losing control of the shuttle as we turned the final corner in the Salt […]

The Rebel & The Promise

  A little over a week ago I sat at my home office desk and wrote a letter, with tears in my eyes, to my family. It was to be my final thoughts, hopes, and dreams for them. I left it in my desk drawer to be found in case I never returned home from […]

What Are You Worth?

Over the past 2 weeks I have received, no lie, over 10 requests for events from local businesses asking essentially the same question: “What is the lowest you can do your speech / show for our company’s most important event?”  I understand everyone wants a deal.  Heck, I WANT A DEAL for everything I want, […]

The Mentor You’re Meant to Be

  This weekend is the NCAA Final Four Tournament, the teams in basketball that have fought to the finish and survived! Today, Sunday, April 7, 2019, one of the world’s greatest mentors will be honored for a lifetime achievement honor. Coach Tony Ingle has been named National Coach of the Year several times throughout multiple […]

Legendary Leaders are Readers & Writers

  What is the top need from today’s meeting professionals when they reach out to me to speak at their event?  This is a summary of their typical needs after some explaining on a call: “We need someone entertaining enough to engage our employees in a dark conference hall, but not too entertaining!…addressing jet lagged […]

The Promise to Adapt

  Last week our family came home to a dishwasher that had flooded our kitchen, warped the wood floors, water seeped into the basement, and the ensuing mess that creates. Insurance adjusters, disaster cleanup professionals, holes drilled in the basement ceiling, cracks in our floors, high-powered fans and de-humidifiers now cover our home, as we […]

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