Jason Hewlett

2 Brands Collide: The Promise vs. Jason Hewlett

  Have you ever created something that you put your heart, soul, time, money, energy and everything into, only to face the reality that it’s not really working? I’m about to share something extremely vulnerable, and will attempt to do so succinctly (good luck!) so as to not belabor the point, but I have come […]

The COVID Test

  As I waited for the required 15 minute COVID test to give its results allowing me to join the event I had flown across country to participate in, the sweat began to bead on my forehead. This event was booked 7 months prior. Due to all of the cancelled flights over the holidays, knowing […]

Speaker Club

  What’s the deal with someone who is terrified of speaking? Truth is: Speaking may be the very scariest thing for a human to do, according to some research about how difficult speaking is. According to Jerry Seinfeld ~ People prefer dying over speaking at the funeral.     How can you get over your […]

When You’re In The Breadline

In the Depression-era film “Cinderella Man”, we see James Braddock, a once almost champion boxer in the grips of economic failure, his inability to provide for his family through boxing’s trade, humbly brave the infamous breadline while being recognized as the failed boxer. This movie is not for the faint of heart, especially if – […]

Everything That’s Wrong In Your Life

Everything that’s wrong in your life is because you broke a Promise to yourself! You may not like that statement, but having now dug deep enough into this language and concept, it stands up with some heavy testing. And don’t think I’m just pointing one finger at you, because three are pointing back at me, […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

The Blessing of Work

  2 weeks ago I sat with my family and told them this would be a different kind of December. Daddy is usually gone most of this month, running around entertaining at holiday parties and missing every kids concert, ball game, family party and decorating the Christmas tree. This year would be different, I told […]

The Gift

April 6, 2020 It had been over a month since I’d been on a stage, as I sat in my office staring at a blank white board that had been filled with events scheduled for an epic 2020 just weeks prior, now canceled or postponed. To me, all was lost. No prospects, no opportunities, no […]

The Importance of Connection Right Now

  I was so excited as I hung up the phone. Having just received word my client was moving forward and doing a December holiday party, where I would share The Promise message to inspire attendees, while entertaining them with laughs and music going into the New Year, I was on cloud 9. My wife […]

Watching Yourself

  As I pulled into the gas station in a remote part of southeastern Utah, I was thankful to finally find cell reception. Tethering my phone’s hotspot to my laptop, I hurriedly logged onto the webinar where I watched my pre-recorded presentation for a client in Texas, engaging in realtime on the CHAT feature with […]

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We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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