Jason Hewlett

Keep Going – A Tribute to Coach Tony Ingle

My best friend died of COVID-19 this week. My heart has ripped apart, consumed by grief, a fogginess clouding my brain ever since I received the news. Coach Tony Ingle got hit early December 2020 with the virus and called to tell me he wasn’t feeling so great.  As always, we laughed through the fear […]

Watching Yourself

  As I pulled into the gas station in a remote part of southeastern Utah, I was thankful to finally find cell reception. Tethering my phone’s hotspot to my laptop, I hurriedly logged onto the webinar where I watched my pre-recorded presentation for a client in Texas, engaging in realtime on the CHAT feature with […]

The Joy of Walking

  Come on a walk with me.  Let’s talk. There is great JOY in the morning walk, I’ve found, and hope you’ve so discovered as well. As summer comes to a close and a chill greets each morning, it has been a delight to have the morning walk fill this summer pandemic, to feel the […]

ZOOM Call Audio: How to Fix Your Music

ZOOM seems to have won the game in the pandemic.   It became the Go-To, and “Do you have Zoom?” was the first thing every client asked for every call. It seems as of mid-March 2020 I spend every day, all day, on ZOOM. I have had to learn to accept, embrace, and rely on ZOOM.  […]

Who’s Your Jordan Gibby?

  Is there someone on your Team that you rely on and are extra grateful for this week? Let me tell you about one of mine.     Just wrapped up my 5th day of 4 Virtual Events this week (thanks to that old feisty COVID-19 mess we’ve all been dealing with), and I am […]

The Promise of Community During Social Distancing

  In the past week more memorable moments have happened between our front room (video social shares) and front yard (friends performing) than perhaps over an entire year. Below you will find all of the stories and wonderful videos you don’t want to miss! From friends stopping by (who are now on the news and […]

The Promise of the WFH Parent Online Course

  How are you doing? I hope this week was a good one and you made it through! The past few weeks I’ve shared some very vulnerable and candid posts about what we are all going through with the pandemic, and in particular, my feeling of not being very essential at a time when that’s […]

How Tough Can It Be? The Aspiring Speaker Checklist

  This past week I received 19 – yes, NINETEEN – messages from friends, business associates, peers, and random strangers asking the same thing: “Can I take you to lunch and ask a few questions about the speaking business?  I’d like to try my hand at making a career of it and thought you’d be […]

How To Calm Your Nerves for a Speech

  I received the following desperate note on Facebook Messenger yesterday: Hi Jason!! I have just been informed that I have to do two; 45 minute presentations at our national sales meetings in one week in Texas. I am not a good speaker.  What I mean by that, is that I’m petrified.  I hate any […]

A Tale of Two Employees

  “I hate going to work everyday,” he quickly admitted after our call had just begun.  “It’s like they know I’m needed to fill a spot but I don’t feel needed in any other way.  It’s like they don’t see what I could bring, my unique skillset and experience.  I don’t know how much longer […]

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We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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