Jason Hewlett

The Perfect Prom Ask & Response

  A few months ago the doorbell rang after 11 PM.  My daughter ran to open it and started screaming. Assuming a murderer had politely rung first, I leaped from bed grabbing a samurai sword, shotgun, and silly putty (in case I needed to make a bouncy ball or do some fingerprinting). Ella screamed because […]

2 Brands Collide: The Promise vs. Jason Hewlett

  Have you ever created something that you put your heart, soul, time, money, energy and everything into, only to face the reality that it’s not really working? I’m about to share something extremely vulnerable, and will attempt to do so succinctly (good luck!) so as to not belabor the point, but I have come […]

Losing the Award: Lady Gaga Promise Leadership

Lady Gaga has just helped me see that even in losing, we can still win.  Did you see what she did at the Grammys while not on stage?  Her actions weren’t highlighted enough for such graciousness, even in defeat, but needs to be acknowledged here. What did she do?  Read on. ~ But first – […]

$650,000 per Month in Taxes: The Steve Harvey Promise

We are coming up on the month of April and Tax Day, perhaps the most heart palpitating, stress inducing, cry-yourself-to-sleep time of the year. No matter how bad things may look for you this year we can always bask in the joy of the misery of celebrity. Take for instance Steve Harvey, with his latest […]

Ukraine’s Zelensky and Promise Leadership

Unfolding by the minute, we watch horrified as Russia invades Ukraine, crimes against humanity and illegal strikes on innocent civilians.  We ask: How can this happen in today’s world? When I heard Putin’s military convoy 40 miles long was headed for Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, I figured we’d learn of the Ukrainian administration flying away in […]

Worth Jail Time

A man who had served in four tours of duty for the US Military, received three Purple Hearts, experienced extreme difficulty integrating back into society due to PTSD, anxiety, and having nearly been killed multiple times in war. Once back home, veteran Joseph Serna was on probation for his alcohol struggles, which he used to […]

Are All Canadians Like This?

Did you see the video of the Canadian ice skater who took 3rd place but ended up being a hero in Japan? It’s quite remarkable and literally needs no set up from me if you just click the link to watch, enjoy, and try not to shed a tear:   https://youtu.be/uXZr9DVW3cU?t=202   As you can […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

My Yoda, My Mentor: Chris Poulos 1931-2021

  Tuesday was busy.  Life and Christmas errands got in the way, and suddenly the week was filling up with last minute needs, but I went anyway. A 45-minute drive to my old mentor’s home, Chris Poulos, whom I hadn’t seen in months due to my travels, kids being sick, and his frail state of […]

What Gift Will You Give?

Christmas is this week, and many holidays are being celebrated this time of year – I hope you have a wonderful season filled with traditions and memories. These are times to be with family, eat til we’re filled, and be grateful for our health. Conversely, this may be a time of mourning the passing of […]

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