Jason Hewlett

The Full Keynote

  They said it couldn’t be done. “How could you, Mr. Funny Guy, have anything to say or teach about leadership?” Thanks for the vote of confidence. The amount of naysayers in the transition from my entertainment background to becoming one of the most sought after, highest rated, Keynote Speakers in the world has been […]

John B. Hewlett, Legendary Performer

  In June 2018 I had the unique opportunity to speak to the Million Dollar Round Table with over 15,300 in the audience in Los Angeles, CA. I had submitted my name for 17 years to get on their stage and it finally happened. What the audience didn’t realize is that I was very familiar […]

The Broken Promise of MoviePass

Not one to say told ya so, but I remember the first time I heard about MoviePass. Sounded too good to be true. For a very low monthly membership fee of $9.95, you could see one movie per day in the theatre! Friends of mine flocked to COSTCO and online to get this latest and […]

The Leader You Could Be

When was the last time you shopped at JCPenney? Yeah, me neither. Identity crisis killed their store. Jumping from CEO to CEO in the past decade, trying anything and everything to get back into the game, CNN’s story regarding their leadership in “How it all went wrong at JCPenney” by Nathaniel Meyersohn states: “Penny is […]

Why Would We Choose You?

Fall 2007, in our neighborhood there were no less than 100 Realtors living in a 250 home radius!  No joke. Who to choose among them? Actually, we chose none of them when we listed our home, although all were capable and even friends of ours! Instead, we went with someone I trusted implicitly, knew was […]

The Amazing Gifts of Family

  As the crowd stood and cheered for my daughter’s dancing, and then my boys’ ventriloquist act, Mommy and I beamed with true joy. To watch our little ones succeed, be amazing, and appreciated by others for their efforts and willingness to share their talents is quite the thrill. Let’s ask ourselves: How do we, […]

Are You a Legendary Performer?

    I can’t stop laughing and need to breathe! To my right is my wife and her best friend & husband, to my left is Las Vegas Headliner Jeff Civillico and his girlfriend.  We are all gasping for air as the laughter doesn’t come in waves, rather a tsunami. Martin Short is ripping up […]

The Promise of Innovation: What iPhone, Lady Gaga & LifeTime Fitness Have in Common

“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” ~ Dr. Albert Gyorgyi   As customers of any product we continuously demand greater performance and equally newer innovation. Remember the miracle of the internet?  And then the dial up sound of AOL starting up?  You could pretty much hear the early […]

The Promise of Rock Star Leadership – Appreciating The Team

Do you remember the last time someone told you that you were great at something? Sitting in my office, the female executive sat wondering what might be her Signature Move.  It had been manifest our entire conversation, yet even in her fifties she couldn’t place it. When she asked me if I could see what […]

The Mormon and the Jewish Rabbi

  I hadn’t been done 10 minutes with my performance at the Rabbi’s retirement party in Tampa, Florida, when one of the older Jewish congregation members came up to me and asked in her thick New York accent, “Are you really a Mormon from Utah?”   “Yes, ma’am I am,” I smiled in reply. “Well I’ve […]

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