Jason Hewlett

The Shot

  “How did you do that Daddy?!” yelled my sons after I made yet another shot off of my head from the basketball spinning trickery. “I’m going to film you to show Mommy”, my oldest boy said, picking up my iPhone. So I kept shooting and mugging for the camera. You know, the normal shots: […]

The Books We Read

  This past week I read 3 books: “Love Boldly”, by Becky Mackintosh about embracing your LGBTQ loved ones and your faith – the story of her son, Sean, coming out after 24 years of hiding his truth; eBook version – “A Mind for Sales”, by Mark Hunter, helping with the mental aspect of how […]

The Promise To Do What You Want To Do

  June 1, 2020. For 3 months the world has been shut down. I’d say today is a calendar restart, quite possibly a new beginning. The earth is re-opening, and there is a shift in the feeling out there. Yes, it is time to do what you want to do.   Not just HAVE to do […]

May 10, 2020

  Your continued response to what you’d like me to send you during this quarantine life has prompted this week’s post, along with it being Mother’s Day. You want to know what has been requested? “We Want to Hear YOUR Original Songs Singing in YOUR Own Voice!” Hahaha. That is very kind of you to […]

Some Humor & My Virtual Office

  Thank you for your response of what you’d like from me during this quarantine time. The answers were loud and clear: WE WANT HUMOR! WE WANT STORIES! WE WANT TO SEE YOUR VIRTUAL OFFICE SETUP! Allllllrighty then!   In this (just under 6-min) video I hope you enjoy: A Behind-The-Scenes look at My NEW […]

The Promise of Less

The Promise of Less  If your week has been anything like mine then you’ve been – * Inundated with Emails * Eyeballs burned out by Zoom Calls * Filled out SBA and PPP Loans * Overrun with your Children’s Homework * Lost Paid Work and Been Asked to Work for Free * Been Asked to […]

April 26, 2020

  Hello My Friend! It’s been an interested 6 weeks, hasn’t it?   Do be fair, I don’t want to read one more newsletter about anything. I’m sure you don’t either. But, you’ve signed up for this and I want to send you what’s valuable and worth reading. What I sent at the beginning of […]

Notice The Little Gifts

What a wild 2 weeks it has been! I hope you can feel my prayers that you are well, healthy and safe. I woke up this morning to consider what to write in this Blog as a best effort to engage you, uplift, connect, and began focusing on all of the challenges that continue to […]

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