Jason Hewlett

Are LIVE Events Back?

  As I walked into the auditorium it was surprising to see a group of friends gathered for a LIVE event. Seated as socially distanced as they could attempt to be, while still congregating with fellow attendees, masks were recommended but optional (our home State allows up to 99 to gather as of this writing), […]

A New Career

“Wait a minute”, she shouted into the Zoom call, “I didn’t even know THAT was possible!?” Elated, she firmed up my appearance for her event on the spot, only 5 minutes into the call, having found the solution they were searching for over a month of planning and having no idea how it would work. […]

What Does A Virtual Presentation Look Like?

  “How on earth can your performance of music, comedy, and The Promise still work on a camera or ZOOM call vs. LIVE in-person?” This is the huge question every person continues to ask me. Truth is: It works in many different ways and it’s very special!   Over the past 8 weeks the only presentations […]

The Promise of Community During Social Distancing

  In the past week more memorable moments have happened between our front room (video social shares) and front yard (friends performing) than perhaps over an entire year. Below you will find all of the stories and wonderful videos you don’t want to miss! From friends stopping by (who are now on the news and […]

The Last Performance

  Between today and yesterday I have been on the phone all day, learning that nearly every conference I was to speak for is either canceled or postponed, leaving me with no stages for a great while. Having made my career on stage for 20 years, this has never happened. I welled up with tears […]

The Speaker’s Promise Amid Panic

This past week I received multiple calls from clients asking if they were to move forward with still having their event, due to the COVID-19 and Coronavirus outbreak, will I still be willing to come and speak? I was shocked by the question as to whether or not I’d be there, as I didn’t think […]

How Tough Can It Be? The Aspiring Speaker Checklist

  This past week I received 19 – yes, NINETEEN – messages from friends, business associates, peers, and random strangers asking the same thing: “Can I take you to lunch and ask a few questions about the speaking business?  I’d like to try my hand at making a career of it and thought you’d be […]

The Promise to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

  For the past 3 weeks I have been stressing over one event that has driven me to a certain level of insanity rarely experienced in recent years.  I think this level of anxiety has only been topped a few times in recent memory before I did an event.  Such as… 2016 as Opening Keynote […]

How To Calm Your Nerves for a Speech

  I received the following desperate note on Facebook Messenger yesterday: Hi Jason!! I have just been informed that I have to do two; 45 minute presentations at our national sales meetings in one week in Texas. I am not a good speaker.  What I mean by that, is that I’m petrified.  I hate any […]

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