Jason Hewlett

The Best Fathers Day Presents

  Christmas Day was nearly 6 months ago (this next week), and it has been that long since I have enjoyed the gifts that keep on giving in our home. That cold wintry morning, as presents were strewn about the house, wrapping paper piled high, the kids were thrilled with what we had given them, […]

Your Favorite President

Who is your Favorite President of the United States? And why? I grew up in the eras of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and have raised children during eras of Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s amazing to think there have been so few presidents in my lifetime, only 8 of them, as I’m a few […]

72 Hours of Greatness: The Legend of Redford Hewlett

  For the past month we have hardly seen our 16-year old son, Redford. He is a straight-A student, leads our church congregation in music every Sunday, and seems to be asked to a girl’s choice dance at a different school every other evening. And yet he has gone missing for almost the entirety of […]

Anonymous Gift Giving

Yesterday the doorbell rang. Delivery! Candidly, this is not a new thing at our house. In fact, I have joked, with a tear in my eye, that Amazon drivers should have a room in our home since they’re over here so much delivering who knows what. But this was different! It was not Amazon, it […]

Happy Father’s Day

  In less than 4 hours on the Saturday before this Father’s Day the following occurred: I picked up my youngest son’s bike from the shop, where the flat tire was repaired, and we added a suspension fork to make riding more comfortable and fun; The AAA guy came by, broke into our car, where […]

New Year Clean Out

How is your New Year clean out going? Not your New Years resolutions, I mean the normal minutiae you need to clean up. The list of items needing to be cleaned out for the New Year began to grow overwhelmingly long and time consuming for me: CLUTTER Closet Garage Office drawers   VIRTUAL CLUTTER Apps […]

Magic Eraser Time of Year – Happy New Year 2023

    Magic Eraser to the rescue! In December 2022 I made the big jump from my awesome, handmade, expensive custom leather TAFT boots to white laces, black tops, and white soled VANS. Kicking and screaming I changed my clothing and shoe style, although it feels fresh and like the right direction to go, and […]

Waterford: Return to My High School

  When was the last time you walked the hallways of your high school? I swear those classrooms were bigger, doorways taller, and common spaces intimidatingly more judgmental. It was 25 years ago that I was last able to grace the very classrooms I once sat in, eyes peering out the window, wishing I could […]

Handing Over The Mic

Friday night was our son’s first high school basketball game, along with all boys basketball teams of every age. Annually they play a team called the Vipers, who have special needs and are incredible and inspiring to watch, as we boo our sons and cheer on this visiting team. It’s quite an experience. They rarely […]

Riding The Bull

You cave to peer pressure and put your name in a contest to ride a bull. Suddenly – you win! What was a joke and dare moments before, you now see your name on the rodeo board, everyone is freaking out with excitement because you were chosen, and the exhilaration quickly turns to dread. This […]

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