Jason Hewlett

Working Out My Neck

Walking into the gym every morning I get to play a game called: Which Machines Are Open Today? Seriously, the earlier I get there, the crazier it is.  I have arrived at 4:55 AM only to see the same 30 people stretching in the parking lot every morning waiting for the doors to open.  These […]

The Promise To Change It Up

  In August I spoke to a huge audience.  It was so fun! Viewing the footage afterward, I was quite disappointed in how I looked, even as I had been very committed to looking the part and feeling good… and so I – you guessed it – made a NEW Promise. Since August, half a […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

My Yoda, My Mentor: Chris Poulos 1931-2021

  Tuesday was busy.  Life and Christmas errands got in the way, and suddenly the week was filling up with last minute needs, but I went anyway. A 45-minute drive to my old mentor’s home, Chris Poulos, whom I hadn’t seen in months due to my travels, kids being sick, and his frail state of […]

Gratitude Prayer at the Business Lunch

The conversation was going well until our food came to the table. Suddenly, the business colleague I had been chatting it up with across from me was absolutely silent, still, bowed head, eyes closed – praying over his lunch. I had done this in times past myself, mostly when in the southern states where praying […]

Speaker Club

  What’s the deal with someone who is terrified of speaking? Truth is: Speaking may be the very scariest thing for a human to do, according to some research about how difficult speaking is. According to Jerry Seinfeld ~ People prefer dying over speaking at the funeral.     How can you get over your […]

The Broken Promise: $100k Gone!

The other night I did a LIVESTREAM on Facebook (or “Meta”, whatever it’s called now) that was a surprising story to even those who have known me for over 20 years and thought they knew every moment of the journey. Here’s a story about losing $100,000 at a pivotal moment in my life, and with […]

You Missed It: Live2Lead

If you weren’t with us in SLC the past few days then you missed out in a big way. Our Live2Lead event was a HUGE success, and the ultimate launch to The Promise Institute. It was incredible to sit back and watch as our Founders led the way, guiding the VIP Experience with The Leadership […]

The Revenant is 2021

Have you seen “The Revenant”?  It’s not for the weak of heart. If 2020 were a movie scene, it would be when mountain man Hugh Glass (played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who won an Oscar for this one) is mauled by a mother grizzly bear and left for dead. That is the scene that gets all […]

Is Ted Lasso A Good Coach?

Ted Lasso just swept up at the Emmys. Good for them, it’s the best, and only, series on any streaming platform I’ve ever watched more than 3 episodes in a row. In fact, last year when I got a new computer and received the AppleTV+ subscription, I watched the first Ted Lasso episode and stated: […]

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