Jason Hewlett

The Evolution of Signature Moves

Confession: From 2006-2018 I had no idea I was harming people. The message of “Signature Moves” started out innocently enough as a message to help others recognize their talents, gifts, and skills. What I hadn’t realized was that, as Speaker and Performer, I was a surgeon of the mind and heart for the listener! Standing […]

Martin Luther King Jr: The Promise to Be You

As a kid growing up in Utah, Martin Luther King, Jr. became one of my childhood heroes when I first remember our teacher playing a recording of his “I Have a Dream” speech in class.     What I recall from that speech, as a little boy, was Dr. King’s emphasis on the fact that […]

Camp Fire in CA: What Amount of Money Justifies Keeping A Promise?

The devastation that ravaged California in 2018 due to wildfires is difficult to comprehend. Families lost everything, many lost their very lives, and one company is now being held accountable. According to CNN, Pacific Gas & Electric, PG&E, is facing manslaughter charges as truth comes to light in the aftermath of the State’s deadliest and […]

Feel Good Promise Stories to Begin 2019

Welcome to the New Year! Always a beautiful time to reflect on the past, commit to the present, prepare for an amazing future. Throughout the Holiday Season it was fun to gather a few stories that will touch your heart and will also help bring home the value of a Promise that is relatable to […]

Thank You 2018

  As you look back on 2018 may I make a recommendation? Some of us will say, “Yeah baby!  That was awesome!” Others of us will say, “Holy heavens, I can’t believe it’s over.  Bring on a New Year!”  Wherever you stand, know that sometimes the most important thing we can think are simply thoughts […]

The Signature Moves of Christmas

  When you think of the word “Christmas” what comes to mind? When I was kid it was way different than it is now. As a kid it was – What am I going to get? How much am I going to get? What is the latest I can go to bed and Santa will […]

What is Leadership?

  Doesn’t matter how old you are, what position you hold in the company, or your place in the family – Leadership is your opportunity and responsibility. The photo and post above says it all.  I applaud the young Noah for his vision, care, and leadership. We, each of us, every single day, have the […]

The Honor of Service: Officer David Romrell

    This past week I performed at an event every day. Decembers are like that. However, this December has been different. A few corporate dates sprinkled in between some very heart-wrenching charity work and service. It is a privilege to be asked to lift the wounded through music, laughter, and message.  Yet it can […]

The Promise of Self-Preservation

  As the physical therapist strapped weights to my forehead pulling back, and weights to the stem of my neck pulling forward, he looked at me and asked, “How long are you going to keep hurting yourself?”  It had been 6 months of intense fixing: chiropractors, yogis, personal trainers, physical therapists, and anything I could […]

The Full Keynote

  They said it couldn’t be done. “How could you, Mr. Funny Guy, have anything to say or teach about leadership?” Thanks for the vote of confidence. The amount of naysayers in the transition from my entertainment background to becoming one of the most sought after, highest rated, Keynote Speakers in the world has been […]

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