Jason Hewlett

Five $1 Lottery Tickets

  What do people say about you when you’re not there? Are you the type of person who buys FIVE $1 Lottery Tickets every day and hands them out to random people who do their job well as you interact with them? Keep reading to learn about this fascinating person who lives The Promise named […]

To The Rescue!

Have you ever been in a desperate situation where you thought, “If only someone could lend a hand”? I share a lot on this blog about things our family goes through, but often don’t pull the curtain back so far that it’s concerning to you, as this is meant to be uplifting as much as […]


  The Vice President had an extra black fly in his extra white hair during the debate.  The fly became famous while no one could hear what the VP had to say, so distracting was the insect; The dog hesitated coming in the house, knowing she had an issue beneath her tail.  Encouraged enough by […]

Keep Going – A Tribute to Coach Tony Ingle

My best friend died of COVID-19 this week. My heart has ripped apart, consumed by grief, a fogginess clouding my brain ever since I received the news. Coach Tony Ingle got hit early December 2020 with the virus and called to tell me he wasn’t feeling so great.  As always, we laughed through the fear […]


  The swivel chair of 2020 continues even in 2021. Whether we call it The Pivot, the Bounce, or the “fight your way out of a corner”, we have all had to adjust, rearrange, and adapt to what now is. The Christmas and New Years break came to a welcome end as the children returned […]


Brush teeth Let dog out Get kids up Say prayers Put flag out on porch Check emails Surf web for day’s news Go outside for a walk Feel joy Play piano Write Call people back Get dressed for zoom meeting Work on presentation Volunteer Be on time Listen to Audible Create videos per request for […]

The Joy of Living

  My 2021 Promise Proclamation! This day – so beautiful – I Promise to embrace the Joy of Living: A child feeding the ducks with her parents; A couple on rollerblades; Dogs dancing between leashes as families go about; The air cleared to see the sunshine after a few days of cloudiness; Leaves to pick […]


  When you write a Blog, you write with the intention of spreading your message to the world, in hope it will land with the right audience and ignite thought, resolve, change, action, and ultimately, a Promise. As we move into 2021, I want to say a special thank you to so many that have […]

Property Line Living

  Question: Did it snow recently where you live? Most likely you’ve been hit by either heavy snow, piles of leaves, or other needs to clean up around the yard. In the past week I have received more emails, texts, and messages on Facebook about “Property Line Living” than any reference I’ve written about in […]

The Blessing of Work

  2 weeks ago I sat with my family and told them this would be a different kind of December. Daddy is usually gone most of this month, running around entertaining at holiday parties and missing every kids concert, ball game, family party and decorating the Christmas tree. This year would be different, I told […]

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