Jason Hewlett


When you write a Blog, you write with the intention of spreading your message to the world, in hope it will land with the right audience and ignite thought, resolve, change, action, and ultimately, a Promise.

As we move into 2021, I want to say a special thank you to so many that have left comments on this blog, sent private texts or messages on social media, and the many emails I receive that no one will ever see.

It moves me to think that these words, often written after something extremely frustrating happens in life or business, which then becomes a new way for me to express gratitude and live my Promise by writing this Blog, might be used by those that are Leaders, who have influence to change the world.

Today’s post is dedicated to those who express appreciation – whether in a comment to a blog post, a kind testimonial sent along, a review on Amazon, showing up to attend the virtual or live show, a positive word to encourage work carefully created for an audience.

I have spent 2020 without an audience I can hear applauding or see smiling and laughing.  Virtual events limit that connection in many ways – and that is ok.

It has brought a new perspective to my way of presenting and speaking, and has strengthened my resolve to create lasting change to an audience long after the event is over.  Thus the creation of The Promise Institute, which rolls out in 2021.

It has also helped me to show more appreciation to those who may not be as used to it as I once was.

I hope you’ve been a recipient of my new efforts of appreciation – whether one of the many educational, military, healthcare, or other groups who received a donated virtual or live presentation in 2020, as we did 40 for free, 25 for 95% off, 30 for 50-75% off, out of our 100 events in 2020.

Grateful for every event, and especially those who paid enough for me to take the time to do so much charity work for so many in need, who came asking for laughs and a lift during the pandemic.

This final post of the year is specifically dedicated to a TEACHER in TEXAS: Rita Clawson. 

In October of 2020 I was ready to call it a day with this blog.  Just didn’t seem to be hitting the mark, very little response, I was growing quite frustrated – to be extra open with you.

The pandemic saw much struggle for all of us, and yours truly was in a space where writing this blog was becoming a chore rather than a joy, a weekly trial instead of a trail I wanted to remain on…

And then I got what I’m about to share with you.

The email screenshot below was the best news I received all year from the blog, and her email has sat on my laptop desktop for 2.5 months in anticipation of sharing this with you.

Teachers have been through it this year.  So many have.  My heart goes out to everyone keeping their Promise to be great in an on-again, off-again world of virtual/in-person/what’s next kind of life…

To think my attempts at writing a blog, and being consistent, even when I don’t feel like writing, has influenced a leadership class of youth in another state is what this is all about to me.

To Rita – Thank You for sharing my words!  And Thank You for letting me know they make a difference!   Here’s a link to the post she’s referring to.

To The Promise Blog Audience – Thank You for all you do in keeping your Promise. 

To You – I feel you are my friend, and that’s how I write these blogs.  So, Thank You for sticking with me!

I have often felt it’s time to hang up The Blog and move into other endeavors (more video, a podcast, online courses, more books) but it is an email as simple and yet powerful as this that keeps a Blog going.

What keeps you going?

In 2021 I Promise that if you’ll be consistent, vulnerable in your authenticity, and simply share your promise to the world, it will make a difference in far-reaching ways you may never even know about …. and perhaps, once in a while, you’ll get a message like this.

My best to you in 2021.  May the year of 2020 be a tipping point of making and keeping the greatest promises we ever will moving forward!

jason hewlett 

Promise Institute Founder * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise To The One


14 Responses

  1. Jason, thank you for this blog. I’m sure there are many like me who read every word and watch every video and never comment. I’m grateful for your goodness and for your commitment to sharing. I first became acquainted with you several years ago when I attended a Christmas party hosted by my husband’s company, Petersen, Inc. I’ve been along on the ride ever since.

    1. I miss Petersen, Inc! What a fun group that was. Thank you for these words, I know they are true, as many read and I’ve found out through the years. This year has been particularly challenging to stay consistent, so I appreciate what you’ve said and thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for reminding us to focus on the good and to take that extra step, which can be small, to share our appreciation. It makes such a difference on both sides. I had the chance to see you speak at my corporate event and I was impressed how you adapted to a virtual setting using zoom comments to make it personal. Here is wishing you an amazing 2021.

    1. Thank you so much DeVonya, what a nice thing to say. This has been a wild year! Grateful technology has helped us stay connected. Have a great 2021!

  3. Although I am no longer teaching in a classroom, I totally agree with Rita. How great of her to let you know the impact your words were having in her leadership class. All of those students have friends , live in a family etc. The ripple goes on and on.
    Janis Christensen sent a text this morning wondering how to access your show tomorrow night.
    So looking forward to it!!!!!!!!
    Many blessings, Louise

    1. Louise, your emails and comments have lifted me so much during this year and the time we’ve known and followed each other. I admire you greatly and thank you for the goodness you bring to the world.

  4. Taking a free moments to leave a comment for an obituary of an acquaintance, a birthday wish , better still more than two words, and reaching out with a phone call to an old friend can be a light in someone’s darkened room. Tributes to friends, a thank you note, or a text to someone you haven’t connected with may make a significant difference. Having spent a lifetime trying to attend funerals of people from my life has taught me that the extra time and effort is not forgotten. There is much to learn at funerals, and I have missed being able to attend many this year of close friends or acquaintances. Reach out and touch someone is more than just a phrase, it is a direct action of caring and thoughtfulness, and is often life saving.

    1. Beautifully said my Dad. Thank you for the comment and I appreciate all of your words of encouragement always.

  5. Jason, I have read your blog every week this year, sometimes upon publishing and sometimes days later. It’s been a weird year for all of us, and we’re all coping differently. I’ve learned from this blog so you are effectively “getting under our skin”. Your caring weekly blog has helped! Hang in there and do what you love! Happy New Year!

  6. Vulnerability and consistency… I love this. What a great reminder for all of us that we never know who is in our audience, and what they might need to hear from us at any given moment in time. Thank you, Jason. Absolutely love reading your blog every week. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me think…

      1. Wow! Couldn’t sleep tonight, which is rare for me. Found myself reading your email, watching your video about the stuck dog and finding the sweetness in the story. I may have wiped a tear or two. I am so glad that a teacher from Texas emailed you that comment. For, I too, am so grateful to you for your weekly blog. I look forward to it! It reminded me of this quote: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur Ward. What if Rita hadn’t emailed you? I am glad she did. This year has largely been a great year for me. But the social aspect has been difficult. It is hard for me not to be able to see and hug many of my clients. Thanks for helping me and others get through! You have made a very positive impact on my life during a difficult year. Thank you for your positivity and perseverance!

        1. Oh my goodness. Thank you Ben. What a great comment. And wow I love that quote about the wrapped present! Powerful. My best to you my friend.

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