Jason Hewlett

LIVE & 1,000+ In-Person Events Are Back!

This past week I spent multiple days onsite for an event over a year in the planning that refused to go Virtual. They knew they were taking a risk.  But they planned and executed their mission right. It was them Keeping The Promise To The Audience! It was my first flight to an event in […]

The Video Book is Finally Available!

  The Time Has Come – The VIDEO BOOK of “The Promise To The One” IS FINALLY HERE!   Backstory: At the end of February 2020, just before the world turned, the U.S. shut down with the pandemic, and all of my events were canceled as all went into quarantine, I flew across the country to […]

30-Minute Wait

  My 13-yr old son and I hopped in the JEEP to go grab a Garden Burger at the only restaurant he’ll order a burger from: Nielsen’s Frozen Custard in South Jordan, UT. In fact, he gets two Garden Burgers, which to us is thrilling, as he won’t eat anywhere else (incredibly, he always passes […]

Keep Going – A Tribute to Coach Tony Ingle

My best friend died of COVID-19 this week. My heart has ripped apart, consumed by grief, a fogginess clouding my brain ever since I received the news. Coach Tony Ingle got hit early December 2020 with the virus and called to tell me he wasn’t feeling so great.  As always, we laughed through the fear […]

Santa Got Run Over By a Raptor!

  Special Announcement!  Monday, December 28, 2020 7 PM Mountain / 9 PM Eastern  Virtual Show Comedy, Prizes and Dinosaurs!! Jason Hewlett presents “Santa Got Run Over By A Raptor” ~ a virtual music & comedy show experience to be enjoyed from the comforts of your own home, with this world-renowned entertainer who delivers laughter […]

Introducing The Video Book of The Promise To The One

  You’ve enjoyed paperback books and hard covers, perhaps you prefer loading every book onto one device as an eReader/eBook, or maybe you’re like me and love the option of listening to the author read an audiobook on Audible, and if you liked the book enough you’ll buy every variation I’ve just listed. However, I […]

Who’s Your Jordan Gibby?

  Is there someone on your Team that you rely on and are extra grateful for this week? Let me tell you about one of mine.     Just wrapped up my 5th day of 4 Virtual Events this week (thanks to that old feisty COVID-19 mess we’ve all been dealing with), and I am […]

A Tale of Two Employees

  “I hate going to work everyday,” he quickly admitted after our call had just begun.  “It’s like they know I’m needed to fill a spot but I don’t feel needed in any other way.  It’s like they don’t see what I could bring, my unique skillset and experience.  I don’t know how much longer […]

My Dream Job

  Growing up in Utah I had one dream: To play in the NBA, be the next John Stockton, and be a part of the Utah Jazz! While not every kid’s dreams come true, we still do all we can to align with something we aspired to way back when, and so our family have […]

Promise to The Work Family

  Years ago, before I had kids, I was at a friend’s home and remember watching him with his little ones before sending them off to school. The whole family put their hands in the circle, hand over hand, as they shouted altogether, “Gooooooo TEAM!” I thought: Well, that’s corny.  But cute, too. Now with […]

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We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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