Jason Hewlett

The Revenant is 2021

Have you seen “The Revenant”?  It’s not for the weak of heart. If 2020 were a movie scene, it would be when mountain man Hugh Glass (played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who won an Oscar for this one) is mauled by a mother grizzly bear and left for dead. That is the scene that gets all […]

Applause for Jim: AV Guy

  Let’s highlight Jim. At 7 AM on Thursday morning I showed up for a standard sound check prior to speaking for TUG, an association I had been booked to speak for over 2 years. Finally the event, postponed since last year, was here! Something was wrong with my laptop not connecting to the system, […]

When You’re In The Breadline

In the Depression-era film “Cinderella Man”, we see James Braddock, a once almost champion boxer in the grips of economic failure, his inability to provide for his family through boxing’s trade, humbly brave the infamous breadline while being recognized as the failed boxer. This movie is not for the faint of heart, especially if – […]

You Decide: Simone Biles & The Promise

Imagine you’re the G.O.A.T. of your sport.   You’ve already won gold medals, and expected to win a few more. Pressure beyond reason mounts as you are supposed to be perfect in your performance. And then everything goes wrong. And it’s at The Olympics in front of a Billion viewers!  As opposed to pushing forward, possibly […]

The Olympic Promise To The TEAM: Caeleb Dressel

If you won a GOLD MEDAL, who would you give it to? If you’re Caeleb Dressel, you hop out of the pool after your team wins GOLD in the 4×100-meter RELAY, run to the bleachers, and toss that Gold Medal to someone in the stands! Shock and shrieking ensues as everyone wonders who is he […]

Tribute to Mark Eaton Speaker Hall of Fame Inductee 2021

  When one of your dearest friends and hero passes away there are multiple ways to pay homage and honor, yet I never thought I would get to be a part of a moment like this. The great hero of my youth and friend into my adult years, NBA All-Star, and now inducted into the […]

Promise To A Friend

  When I received the devastating news that my best friend had passed from COVID-19 in January 2021 my heart broke in one fell swoop.  Not only was he my dearest friend, a father figure, a mentor, but was my absolute hero in all aspects of life.     As we discussed funeral plans with […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

My Best Friend

  20 years ago I married my Best Friend. I always wondered what it would be like to hit one of those Anniversary milestones, and this feels like one, although some have said, “20?  That’s nothing!  Try 50!”  Hahaha.  I will love that, too. I imagined how much we’d still like each other at 20 […]

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