Jason Hewlett


  The Vice President had an extra black fly in his extra white hair during the debate.  The fly became famous while no one could hear what the VP had to say, so distracting was the insect; The dog hesitated coming in the house, knowing she had an issue beneath her tail.  Encouraged enough by […]

Keep Going – A Tribute to Coach Tony Ingle

My best friend died of COVID-19 this week. My heart has ripped apart, consumed by grief, a fogginess clouding my brain ever since I received the news. Coach Tony Ingle got hit early December 2020 with the virus and called to tell me he wasn’t feeling so great.  As always, we laughed through the fear […]


  When you write a Blog, you write with the intention of spreading your message to the world, in hope it will land with the right audience and ignite thought, resolve, change, action, and ultimately, a Promise. As we move into 2021, I want to say a special thank you to so many that have […]

Property Line Living

  Question: Did it snow recently where you live? Most likely you’ve been hit by either heavy snow, piles of leaves, or other needs to clean up around the yard. In the past week I have received more emails, texts, and messages on Facebook about “Property Line Living” than any reference I’ve written about in […]

The Gift

April 6, 2020 It had been over a month since I’d been on a stage, as I sat in my office staring at a blank white board that had been filled with events scheduled for an epic 2020 just weeks prior, now canceled or postponed. To me, all was lost. No prospects, no opportunities, no […]

The Year 2020

  “Worst Year Ever!”  “Can’t wait until this one’s over!”  “The Dumpster Fire that is 2020.”   Plenty of lines and ways to describe a most indescribable year. We’ve heard them all, and said most of them, in an effort to put into words what has been experienced. I believe it is justified, so don’t […]

The Importance of Connection Right Now

  I was so excited as I hung up the phone. Having just received word my client was moving forward and doing a December holiday party, where I would share The Promise message to inspire attendees, while entertaining them with laughs and music going into the New Year, I was on cloud 9. My wife […]

No. 15 Scores

  No photos of this one, but I witnessed something beautiful this afternoon. You know, when special moments are shared on the news because they’re the feel good kind? That’s what I saw, in person. My son’s middle school basketball game. Things weren’t going well for the opposing team, as we played on their home […]

Watching Yourself

  As I pulled into the gas station in a remote part of southeastern Utah, I was thankful to finally find cell reception. Tethering my phone’s hotspot to my laptop, I hurriedly logged onto the webinar where I watched my pre-recorded presentation for a client in Texas, engaging in realtime on the CHAT feature with […]

Your Calling: How Do You Know If You’re Living It?

    Imagine this scenario: You are considered THE BEST in the world at your chosen profession – according to critics, peers, well known in the public – and suddenly you MUST change your career. Does this thought excite you, or terrify you? If it is YOUR choice, then it’s a great thing! If it’s […]

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