Jason Hewlett

Losing the Award: Lady Gaga Promise Leadership

Lady Gaga has just helped me see that even in losing, we can still win.  Did you see what she did at the Grammys while not on stage?  Her actions weren’t highlighted enough for such graciousness, even in defeat, but needs to be acknowledged here. What did she do?  Read on. ~ But first – […]

Slap Him Back: Will Smith and Chris Rock

I’m sick of this story that has dominated headlines all week, just as you probably are, too. Yet the moment Will Smith stormed the stage to slap/punch/whack Chris Rock at the Oscars, all bets were off and will stir debate for years to come: Will was defending his wife’s honor!   Chris was out of line! […]

$650,000 per Month in Taxes: The Steve Harvey Promise

We are coming up on the month of April and Tax Day, perhaps the most heart palpitating, stress inducing, cry-yourself-to-sleep time of the year. No matter how bad things may look for you this year we can always bask in the joy of the misery of celebrity. Take for instance Steve Harvey, with his latest […]

The b0z0 Movie

  My sons and their best friend have made over $300 in ticket sales the past few weekends holding private showings from our basement for their just released “The b0z0 Movie”. We can hear kids laughing and screaming with glee as they are subject to the creation of our boy’s imagination and hard work over […]

Part 2: The Promise Dilemma

Last week I posed the dilemma: 2 good choices, only one solution, which promise do I keep?  Here’s a LINK back to the article. As my Dad had an event he wanted me to attend, and my Son had a basketball game, you (the Reader) were kind enough to send along your thoughts, suggestions, wisdom, […]

The Promise Dilemma

  Tomorrow night I have a serious dilemma: 1 – My Dad invited me to attend a seminar of a powerful speaker he feels is the smartest man he’s ever heard, it starts at 7 PM, an hour’s drive from my home; 2 – My son’s basketball coach organized a one-time only Fathers vs. Sons […]

Ukraine’s Zelensky and Promise Leadership

Unfolding by the minute, we watch horrified as Russia invades Ukraine, crimes against humanity and illegal strikes on innocent civilians.  We ask: How can this happen in today’s world? When I heard Putin’s military convoy 40 miles long was headed for Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, I figured we’d learn of the Ukrainian administration flying away in […]

The Birthday Promise

  After she fell asleep for her final evening as a 45-year old, I snuck out of the bedroom to get to work on setting up the kitchen table for her “surprise” in the morning. I was up quite late, and woke up extra early to get things ready, kids up and dressed, cake and […]

Worth Jail Time

A man who had served in four tours of duty for the US Military, received three Purple Hearts, experienced extreme difficulty integrating back into society due to PTSD, anxiety, and having nearly been killed multiple times in war. Once back home, veteran Joseph Serna was on probation for his alcohol struggles, which he used to […]

The Promise To Change It Up

  In August I spoke to a huge audience.  It was so fun! Viewing the footage afterward, I was quite disappointed in how I looked, even as I had been very committed to looking the part and feeling good… and so I – you guessed it – made a NEW Promise. Since August, half a […]

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