Jason Hewlett

Happy Father’s Day

  In less than 4 hours on the Saturday before this Father’s Day the following occurred: I picked up my youngest son’s bike from the shop, where the flat tire was repaired, and we added a suspension fork to make riding more comfortable and fun; The AAA guy came by, broke into our car, where […]

22nd Valentine’s Day

  “What is the secret to being happily married for 22 years?” This is a question I have been asked recently, and as we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, here’s one suggestion I feel can help you keep The Promise to the one you love. If you know your spouse has a Favorite Thing, then […]

How Scrambled Eggs became Yesterday

  The Beatles song “Yesterday” was originally written as “Scrambled Eggs”  Here are the original lyrics –  “Scrambled eggs Have an omelet with some muenster cheese  Put the dishes in the wash bin please  So I can eat more scrambled eggs.   Scrambled eggs How I really, really love your legs…”  At least, this is how […]

The Cookie Promise

Can you imagine how I felt when I showed up and my presentation had been turned into a COOKIE?   What kind of client does this? Only the awesome ones. This experience reminded me of being a kid at the local bakery with my Mom the day before my birthday! My nose to the glass, peering […]

Favorite Events

They say you’re not supposed to have a favorite kid. It might even be risky naming a favorite place to eat if you’re a food critic! But what about Favorite Events when you’re a Speaker & Performer? Truth is, we usually just discuss the nightmare events among peers, such as the time I couldn’t get […]

Make A Wish

A chronically ill child requests one person for their Make A Wish…and it’s you! Do you drop everything and go?   Do you talk yourself out of it due to schedule?  Do you chicken out because you don’t know what to say?  If you’re John Cena, you make a wish happen no matter how busy […]

10,000 Educators

  In the past 2 weeks I have spoken to an estimated 10,000 educators all over my home State of Utah. Had you told me when I was in 3rd Grade sitting in the hall in time-out because I had disrupted the class again, that 35 years later I would be speaking to teachers who […]

Your Favorite Part

“The Raptor Daddy Dinosaur routine!”  “TJ The Shuttle Driver – Yee-Haw!”  “The part where you took Facebook off your iPhone to be a more present Dad!”     These are some of the many responses I get following a presentation of “The Promise” when signing books and asking attendees what their favorite part was, or what […]

Riding The Bull

You cave to peer pressure and put your name in a contest to ride a bull. Suddenly – you win! What was a joke and dare moments before, you now see your name on the rodeo board, everyone is freaking out with excitement because you were chosen, and the exhilaration quickly turns to dread. This […]

Pioneer Trek Pa

For the past 4 days my wife and I have been wandering the mountains of Utah in 1847 pioneer clothing re-enacting the legendary Mormon Pioneer crossing of 175 years past. Pushing and pulling a wooden handcart filled with our belongings, up a trail too rocky to push anything, through a river, and more dust than […]

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