Jason Hewlett

10,000 Educators

  In the past 2 weeks I have spoken to an estimated 10,000 educators all over my home State of Utah. Had you told me when I was in 3rd Grade sitting in the hall in time-out because I had disrupted the class again, that 35 years later I would be speaking to teachers who […]

Your Favorite Part

“The Raptor Daddy Dinosaur routine!”  “TJ The Shuttle Driver – Yee-Haw!”  “The part where you took Facebook off your iPhone to be a more present Dad!”     These are some of the many responses I get following a presentation of “The Promise” when signing books and asking attendees what their favorite part was, or what […]

The Promise of Perspective

  11 days ago was the last time I have been outside and even had the privilege to go for a car ride. I had just returned home from the hospital, hopped up on all kinds of meds my body has never felt before, never been through surgery in my life, as my 44-year old […]

Riding The Bull

You cave to peer pressure and put your name in a contest to ride a bull. Suddenly – you win! What was a joke and dare moments before, you now see your name on the rodeo board, everyone is freaking out with excitement because you were chosen, and the exhilaration quickly turns to dread. This […]

My Broken Knee

It’s 3:33 AM.  My feet are freezing.  I can’t put a blanket over myself because it is too painful to have any weight on my leg.  Since my visit to the ER a few hours earlier I am now lying in bed with a full leg brace, not allowing me to bend my knee. How […]

Middle Ages

This past week my article was about being crowned the world’s worst axe throwing dad. I gave it a good effort in putting a point to it – not the axe, but the story – as my 10-year old son, Royal, bested me in every way.  Even to my delight. But a comment left on […]

Axe Throwing with Royal

Last week I was the Keynote Speaker for 2 different companies who just so happened to book me at the SAME event center in the SAME city on back to back afternoons!  That is considered the greatest luck of the draw for someone in my kind of career and worth 3 exclamation points!!! That meant […]

Working Out My Neck

Walking into the gym every morning I get to play a game called: Which Machines Are Open Today? Seriously, the earlier I get there, the crazier it is.  I have arrived at 4:55 AM only to see the same 30 people stretching in the parking lot every morning waiting for the doors to open.  These […]

The Importance of Mediocrity

Glancing social media we will notice quickly our mediocrity in the face of everyone’s great accomplishments. The importance of mediocrity is realizing and embracing the fact that you have talents I don’t have, and I have talents you don’t want!  I spent 3 days recently trying to fix an issue in our bathroom as the […]

Mom vs. dad

  The difference between me being gone for 1 Week vs. my wife being gone for 1 Day is astounding. When I leave for work the ecosystem of our home seems to just know what to do, the kids are capable of continuing to function, life goes on, Mom handles it flawlessly. When Mommy leaves […]

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